Gentleman's Handshake

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When Luna returned from work, Jungkook told her about his talk with his father. He went on and on about what they talked about and how he thinks things are really going to change for the better this time. Luna can't believe it. She's never seen Jungkook smile when talking about his father. She was certain he just had a fever dream or something, but he held out his arm and let her see the memory for herself. She's still a little skeptical, but his smile has her feeling more and more optimistic.

She isn't sure Minsoek could be trusted, but she figures Jungkook would know better than her. If he's excited then she is too.

Jungkook's optimism continues day by day as he has more conversations with his father. They have lunch together, watch tv, chat about life, and Minseok even asks how Luna is doing with her new job. It's to the point where Jungkook truly feels he can have a normal father-son relationship with Minseok.

With that in mind, he decides to go to the King to ask for Minseok's punishment to be lifted. The King was reluctant at first but didn't reveal why. In the end he told Jungkook he would suspend the punishment, but warned Jungkook to be careful. Jungkook understands the King's skepticism and appreciates him trying to protect him. While Jungkook isn't 100% convinced that his father has changed, he's very hopeful for the first time.

That Friday Luna was let out of work at lunch time. The crew working on renovating the special events center have been ahead of schedule so today all of the employees were gifted an early start to their weekend. She was ecstatic and Jungkook was too when he saw her walk through the door in the middle of him drowning himself in chicken.

Jungkook had planned to workout after lunch and though he'd love to skip it this time to hang out with Luna, she insists that he go anyway. Instead she tags along appointing herself as his cheerleader to power him through his workout. A big part of her is really there because she loves to see him workout. The way his hair starts off fluffy only to be a wild and wet mess at the end, and the way every muscle in his body seems like it's bulging through his clothes she can't help but watch his every move.

"Jungkook?" Luna and Jungkook look up to see Minseok entering the room. "Oh," he says not realizing Luna would be there too.

"Hey," Jungkook greets his father. "What's up?"

It's all so weird to Luna. The way Jungkook is casually talking to his father and not raising his voice or getting defensive is such a foreign thing to her. Still, she's frozen in place which has become her habit anytime she's around Minseok. Even though he and Jungkook seem to be working things out, she still can't be too sure.

"I just wanted to come see what you were up to. Maybe chat a bit," Minseok says. "But we can do that another time." He looks as if he's about to back out of the room, but Jungkook raises a brow at him.

"You can stay," Jungkook says. He gives his father a small nod to encourage him to speak to Luna.

Minseok turns to Luna and gives her a small smile. Something she never thought she'd ever see.

"I know things have started off on a very sour note," he starts. "But as I told Jungkook, I want to try starting over. I can understand if you don't want to, but I know it was unfair of me to judge you without getting to know you. If you would like we can try again." He holds his hand out waiting for her to shake it in agreement, or maybe slap it away.

"Oh," Luna says still very skeptical of the one person who constantly terrorized her more than the Saakhans since she's been here. She looks at Jungkook who has a look of hopefulness written all over his face. She may not be fully convinced but she's willing to give it a shot. For Jungkook.

She reaches up and shakes Minseok's hand with a smile. He's smiling back at her and while she's weirded out by him smiling when she's only known him as an angry controlling hot head, she simply smiles back and nods with a firm handshake.

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