Safe Zone

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As soon as Jungkook returned to their now indefinite temporary home he immediately changed into his bunny form and ran straight under the bed. Trying to hold his emotions in the entire ride back had been excruciatingly difficult for him. Luna has no idea what happened, but seeing him instantly run and hide lets her know things probably could have gone better.

"Jungkookie?" She softly whispers peeking under the bed. "What happened?"

He shakes his head and curls himself into a tight ball. If he comes out of it he may completely lose his composure.

"Jungkookie," she repeats. "Can you at least show me if you're not going to talk about it?" She reaches her hand out hoping he accepts.

He thinks a moment still not wanting to come out of his safety ball, but ultimately decides showing her would at least allow him to stay as is. He crawls to her hand and she pulls him out and cradles him in her lap. While still curled in his ball he shows her everything.

Now that she sees what happened she can't help but feel terrible for him. His entire life has been centered around being a shield and being the best one. He takes great pride in being shield and would never do anything to harm his image as such. Not because of ego or fame, but because the job is that important to him. He's nothing if he's not a shield and right now that daunting reality is staring him in the face. He hasn't been fired but he may as well have been in his mind.

"Babe," Luna whispers petting him gently. She can feel his small body trembling and it's breaking her down. "It's just until the investigation is complete," she says trying to maintain some optimism.

He's still shaking and having more and more trouble breathing. The overwhelming anxiety is rapidly progressing to full panic and his little bunny body can't handle such high levels of stress.

He pulls himself out of his ball and transforms back. Without a word he wraps his arms tightly around Luna and buries his face in her neck. He begins heaving as his tears are no longer staying contained. All he can do is cry. His frustration, anger, sadness, disappointment, anxiety, depression, and sense of failure are all manifesting in the form of sobs that are coming out of him more than they ever have before.

Luna chokes back her own tears and tries to comfort him the best she can. She isn't really sure how she can make him feel better right now. She can hardly make herself feel better. He's inconsolable and she's close to breaking herself.

Not close, she is breaking. Tears are streaming down her face and she's clutching on to him just as tightly as he's clutching her. She can't stand seeing him like this. The Superman who tells her over and over again that nothing hurts him is on the floor hurting more than any pain he's ever experienced.

"What do I do?" Jungkook cries into her neck. "What am I if I'm not a shield?" He pulls back from Luna and she can see the fire forming within his tears. "I never did anything! Why did that fucking asshole set me up? My WHOLE LIFE! He's been setting me up and now I'm on fucking leave from my duties INDEFINITELY!" His breathing is becoming more and more unstable as he cycles through varying emotions. "I start to feel like I've accomplished something. My whole life I've trained, for what?! To be better than that mother fucker only for him to come in and ruin my life anyway!"

Luna tries to keep a hand on him. Not to restrain him, which would only make him fight more, but to make sure in the midst of his feelings he knows that she's still there.

"All I wanted," he huffs out of breath. "Was to serve my kingdom the best I can and be left alone. That's it! He made me think he fucking changed! He took the one thing I ever asked his useless ass for and he just used it to try to manipulate me! What the fuck did I do to deserve this?" He whimpers knowing there's no answer.

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