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AS THE SUN began to set, casting long shadows across the campsite, we all gathered around the crackling campfire, seeking warmth and comfort. I sat with my friends, while Jungwon occupied a spot across from me. Our eyes occasionally met, causing shy embarrassment.

As the conversation flowed, darkness settled in and the topic took a spooky turn. Ghost stories were on everyone's lips, and Yeonjun, known for his captivating storytelling, seized the opportunity to share a chilling tale from Jeju Island, our current location.

"There was a woman, known for her unfortunate appearance. She was often mocked and despised by others. During a school trip to Jeju Island, she disappeared into the forest. Some students went to search for her as instructed by the teacher. They stumbled upon a figure covered in a white sheet. Only screams were heard that night, and those students never returned to the camp. Legend says that the ugly girl hides behind the sheets, concealing her features." Yeonjun's voice sent shivers down our spines, filling our eyes with fear.

As his words weaved a web of fear, a shiver crawled up my spine. Trying to hide my unease, I noticed Jungwon's piercing gaze fixed on me, sensing the fear etched on my face.

"Come on, enough of that!" Yeji interjected, playfully nudging Yeonjun's arm. The others joined in, urging Yeonjun to stop. Laughing along, he complied. With the campfire's embers fading, I reluctantly left the group, joining my friends to explore the surroundings.

"We should check out the forest," Hyein suggested mischievously.

"Let's do it!" Hanni eagerly agreed, and they began to walk ahead. However, I couldn't help but grab Minji's sleeve, unwilling to let her go. She stopped, and the others followed suit, tilting their heads in confusion.

"What's wrong? Are you scared?" Danielle asked, her voice filled with concern. I quickly shook my head, fearing they would think less of me.

"No," I stuttered, trying to sound resolute, before joining them on our forest expedition.

As we ventured deeper into the woods, a chilling breeze enveloped us, causing the trees to sway ominously. The wind howled through the darkness, and an eerie silence settled around us. With each step, my anxiety grew, and then, a distinct snap echoed from behind us. I froze, my heart pounding, and instinctively clung to Haerin's arm.

"Guys... I heard something," I whispered, my voice trembling with fear.

"It's probably nothing," Minji reassured me, patting my shoulder gently. But then, the sound came again, louder and more unsettling. All of us turned toward the source, our eyes wide with trepidation. Seconds later, a figure leaped out from the shadows, shouting and draped in a white sheet. We screamed in terror, our voices echoing through the forest as we sprinted away.

As we ran, the haunting laughter of our pranksters followed us. Glancing back, I saw Beomgyu taking the sheet off of him and Yeonjun came from behind the tree, their faces filled with amusement, laughing together.

Lost in the chaotic commotion, my attention was consumed by the fear and adrenaline coursing through my veins, causing me to overlook the treacherous obstacle that lay before me. In an instant, my foot collided with a large rock, and I was sent hurtling toward the unforgiving forest floor. The impact was jarring, my face meeting the rough earth with a resounding thud.

As the pain reverberated through my body, I groaned, my vision blurred with disorientation. Hanni, ever vigilant, sensed my absence and swiftly turned, her eyes widening in alarm.

"Jurin!" Her urgent cry pierced through the eerie silence, capturing the attention of our entire group, including the boys who had orchestrated the ill-fated prank.

Concern etched on their faces, they rushed to my side, their voices a chorus of worry. I winced as they turned me over, the sight of my scraped and bloodied knee confirming the harsh reality of my fall. Biting down on my bottom lip, I squeezed my eyes shut, attempting to endure the stinging pain that radiated from the wound. The chilly wind whispered through the trees, exacerbating the discomfort and sending shivers down my spine.



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