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SHUTTING the bathroom door behind me, I swiftly changed into a pair of shorts and a shirt. Upon emerging, I noticed Jungwon quickly bypassing me, entering the bathroom to change. Glancing toward the bed, I discovered my blankets and pillows neatly arranged, a detail that had previously escaped my notice. Did Jungwon arrange them?

As the realization dawned on me, an instinctive urge arose to relocate my belongings, but Jungwon emerged from the bathroom. His eyes lingered on me for a moment before shifting slowly to the blanket and pillow in my hands.

"You'll be sleeping on the bed tonight," Jungwon declared, taking the items from my grasp and returning them to the bed.

"But we agreed to take turns," I protested.

"I won't allow an injured woman to sleep on the floor," Jungwon insisted, his tone serious, as he carefully placed my pillow on the bed. He then retrieved his own pillow and blanket, preparing to sleep on the floor.

"Jungwon," I began, preparing to argue, but he simply lay down on the floor, disregarding my objections.

With a sigh, I settled back down, my gaze fixed upon the ceiling. The events of the day played out in my mind, some moments bringing a smile to my face while others dampening it. I cringed at the memory of getting injured in front of Jungwon and his friends, feeling a surge of embarrassment. Groaning, I covered my face in an attempt to push the memory aside.

"Are you alright? Does your ankle still hurt?" Jungwon sat up, noticing my groan.

"I'm fine," I stammered, observing him through tired eyes before a sudden thought invaded my mind. "This isn't fair, Jungwon," I spoke up, meeting his gaze. He tilted his head slightly, a lock of hair falling to the side.

"I'm referring to our sleeping arrangements. I could tell that your back was bothering you today from sleeping on the floor," I explained. He sighed, briefly closing his eyes before meeting my gaze again.

"I don't want to argue about this. I won't allow a woman to sleep on the floor," he stated firmly. "When I agreed to take turns, I never intended to actually do it. It just doesn't feel right." Jungwon yawned, exhaustion evident.

Before I could continue arguing, Jungwon interjected. "Now, go to sleep," he said, lying back down and turning away from me.

Pursing my lips, I puffed out my cheeks in annoyance before turning to the side and closing my eyes.

As I lay there in the dimly lit cottage, my mind whirled with a mix of emotions. Part of me was touched by Jungwon's gesture, his insistence on making sure I was comfortable despite his own discomfort. It was as if he had this innate sense of chivalry, a desire to protect and care for me. But another part of me felt conflicted, not wanting to impose on him or make him sacrifice his own comfort for my sake.

I shifted slightly on the bed, trying to find a comfortable position but finding it impossible. My mind was filled with questions, doubts, and a longing for clarity. Jungwon was making my mind race with thoughts. There would be times Jungwon would look at me with generous eyes but then he'd conceal it with a distant gaze which left me confused.

The silence in the room was heavy, almost suffocating. I could hear Jungwon's steady breathing, a rhythmic reminder of his presence. The events of the day replayed in my mind like a movie, each scene accompanied by a rush of emotions. From the excitement and laughter by the campfire to the embarrassing moment of my injury, it had been a rollercoaster of a day.

I couldn't help but recall the way Jungwon had looked at me when I stumbled and hurt my ankle. There was genuine concern in his eyes, a flicker of worry that hadn't gone unnoticed. It made me feel both vulnerable and grateful at the same time. He had been there for me, offering a helping hand and supporting me as we walked back to the cottage. It was a small act, but it spoke volumes about his character, yet it left me confused. Jungwon and I have been going on with this rivalry thing since middle school, we haven't really tried to go beyond it.

I turned to look at Jungwon sleeping on the floor, his back facing me. His peacefulness showed no sign of the inner turmoil I was experiencing. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy, wondering if he was able to find solace in
sleep while I lay awake, consumed by my thoughts.

As the minutes turned into hours, I found myself tossing and turning, unable to find any semblance of peace. The silence in the room became suffocating, the weight of unspoken words pressing down on me.

The room seemed to grow colder, mirroring the growing distance between us. I couldn't shake off the unease that settled in the air, a tension that lingered with every passing moment. The flickering flame of the dying campfire outside seemed to mimic the flickering flame of uncertainty within me.

After what felt like an eternity, I finally succumbed to exhaustion and drifted off to sleep. Dreams intertwined with fragments of reality, blurring the lines between consciousness and imagination. In that dreamlike state, I found solace, a temporary escape from the complexities of the situation.



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