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JUNGWON TWISTED the doorknob, the door groaning as it swung open, revealing a swanky living area with a cozy hallway leading to five inviting bedrooms and two sleek bathrooms. The place was decked out in fancy stuff that made my eyes pop. Jungwon flashed us a grin, motioning for Hanni and me to step inside. Meanwhile, Yuri hung back, shooting Jungwon a look before closing the door with a soft click.

The cottage was dripping with luxury, every piece of furniture shouting 'fancy' at the top of its lungs. I strolled in, taking in the posh vibe, wondering how our school managed to hook us up with this place.

"I'm calling dibs on this room!" Hanni chirped, pointing excitedly at a cozy loft that screamed her name. I snickered, watching her dive onto the bed like she owned the place. I joined in, tackling her onto the bed, our laughter filling the room. Jungwon popped in, looking a tad annoyed at our antics.

Hanni shoved me off playfully, and we settled into a more chilled vibe. "I'm off to pick my spot," Jungwon announced, strutting out of Hanni's room. Curious, I decided to tail him out. Meanwhile, Yuri had already snagged her room, leaving just two unclaimed.

Jungwon and I pointed at different doors simultaneously, each claiming our turf with goofy grins before bolting into our rooms. As I stepped into my room, the tranquility enveloped me like a warm hug. The sight of the elegantly furnished room brought a sense of peace. I plopped down on the king-sized bed, sinking into its softness, feeling like I could just melt into it. Suddenly, Hanni burst in, breaking the serene atmosphere.

"Movie time!" she declared excitedly, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Let's go for a real spine-chiller," she added, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Come on, Hanni. You know I can't handle scary movies," I protested, giving her a pleading look, hoping for a reprieve.

"Too bad. Change into something comfy and meet me in the living room in five minutes," she commanded before darting out, leaving me to comply. I quickly changed into my pajamas and followed the enticing smell of popcorn wafting through the air.

In the living room, Jungwon was in his pajamas, skillfully preparing a batch of popcorn. Hanni, already seated on the couch, was scrolling through the list of movies.

"How about 'The Exorcist'?" Hanni suggested, turning to Jungwon, who seemed engrossed in the popcorn-making process until he noticed me. "Hey, help Jungwon with the snacks," she instructed, nudging me towards him with a cheeky grin.

Yuri emerged from her room, guided by Hanni to the couch to avoid interfering with our culinary efforts. I sidled up next to Jungwon, observing his not-so-expert fruit-cutting skills with a mix of curiosity and amusement. My mind drifted to the impending horror of the movie night, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Are you just going to watch or pitch in?" Jungwon's teasing voice brought me back to reality, and I grabbed a cutting board and some fruits to assist. However, lost in my thoughts, I accidentally nicked my finger, a sharp hiss escaping my lips as pain shot through me.

"Let me see that," Jungwon's soothing voice cut through the discomfort, his gentle touch examining the minor cut on my finger. "You'll be fine. Let's wash it under cool water while I grab the bandages."
( reference from my other book, ifykyk)

I followed the instructions diligently, gingerly running my injured finger under the soothing flow of water. The moment the water made contact with the wound, a sharp sting shot through me, causing me to flinch.

"Let me see." Sensing my discomfort, Jungwon quickly reached out, taking hold of my hand and passing me a soft paper towel to carefully dry my finger.

"What're you thinking about, Jurin?" Jungwon inquired, noting my distracted state from earlier.

Pausing for a moment, I responded hesitantly, "The movie..." My gaze lingered on my hands as Jungwon adeptly wrapped a bandage around my finger.

"You could have just told me," Jungwon remarked, completing the treatment but retaining his grasp on my hand. "You can hold onto me during the movie, alright?" he suggested, locking eyes with me. A warm flush crept up my cheeks as I pondered why Jungwon had this effect on me, leaving me feeling strangely vulnerable. Glancing down at our intertwined hands, I nodded quietly, relishing the comforting connection. The microwave's beep signaled its readiness.

"Why don't you take a seat, and I'll finish up here, okay?" Jungwon proposed, releasing my hand. I pouted slightly, to which he playfully teased, "You'll hold it later, cutie." With a light shove, I settled onto the couch, crossing my arms to conceal my burgeoning blush.

Hanni shot me a mischievous smirk before redirecting her attention to the TV screen. The conspicuous gap between me and Yuri, evidently left for Jungwon, didn't escape my notice.

Jungwon returned to the room bearing a large bowl of freshly popped popcorn and an artfully arranged fruit platter. The vibrant colors and enticing scents had Hanni practically drooling with anticipation. I chuckled softly as Jungwon positioned himself between me and Yuri, presenting the delectable snacks for our enjoyment.


I'm trying as hard as I can to provide you guys with fast updates!
It's almost the end of this school year so you'll be seeing me a lot in about two weeks or so.

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