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I sighed softly as I watched P Arthit take my class. I never really liked him as a senior because he had always seemed so cold, aloof, reticent, a complete do gooder and stickler for the rules.

Basically, he was everything I never was and would be and as a result, we had often clashed when I had been a junior. Now I was in my final year, head hazer too but this stupid man was still in my life as a part time lecturer in the university.

I sighed and just buckled down to work on my notes as he took the class. It was the last leg and I couldn't afford to fail or miss out on anything. I just wanted to graduate and get out so I can help my family in their business too.

Once classes were over, I grabbed my bag and was about to leave. Park was out with Lam today, so they were both not in class. So it was just me and I didn't feel like hanging around to chat with anyone. I was about to leave when I heard P Arthit call out to me.

"Yes Sir?" I groaned inwardly as I turned to face him.

Arthit looked at me for a bit before finally muttering, "Could we speak for a bit?"

I nodded, wondering what was going on as his vibes seemed different. I took a seat in front of him at the desk. Arthit sighed and sat down before pushing an invite towards me. I looked at it and then up at him, completely puzzled. It was a birthday invite, why was he showing it to me?

"Could you accompany me for this?"

"As my boyfriend?"

"What?!" I yelled, standing up in shock.

Before I could say anything else, Arthit quickly stood up, motioning for me to sit down first and hear him out. I frowned deeply at him but decided to give it a shot first. I sat down warily, looking at him.

"It's the birthday party of someone my family is close to. I have to attend it. As it is, I have no desire to do so but my parents wouldn't hear of it. Secondly, I heard rumors from my siblings that my parents are plotting an arranged marriage with her family also for business purposes. I am not interested but they will never listen."

"So you want me to be your pretend boyfriend to ward them off? Why me though? Shouldn't you look for someone more ideal?"

"My parents aren't adverse to same sex relationships. But they would want me to marry someone of my standing in terms of social status or at least in temperament...."

"And I am worlds apart from you. Guess I make the perfect rebel boyfriend, huh?"

Arthit looked at me in 2nd hand embarrassment.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to..."

I waved his words away, looking at him. Did I really want to do him this favor? I looked at him for a bit as I reallzed how I could benefit.

"I will do it.."

Arthit's face instantly brightened, "But you must promise to stay out of my fucking way no matter what for the rest of the year till I graduate."

Arthit glared at me knowing that I meant I didn't want to see him at Sotus anymore, or anywhere near me. He kept looking at the invite and me and finally shook his head in agreement.

"Good, now tell me where and when do I meet you, my love?"

I replied cheekily as I stood up, grabbing my bag and Arthit growled at me lowly as I walked off. I waved my hands in acknowledgement as he said he would text me the details.

Boy, if only I knew the drama that was going to ensue, would I have agreed? Hell, no!

From My Heart To Yours ❤️ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now