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I was waiting for an uber when Forth rode past me. He stopped the bike when he saw me.

"Let me send you home P."

"It's ok Forth. Just go please."

"You know I'm not going to do that. Get on please. It's been a long day for you."

I glared at Forth but he wasn't taking no for an answer. I sighed as he handed me the helmet and I put it on. I climbed on and held onto him gingerly. He rode off, albeit a little slowly. At the traffic light, he adjusted my stance by making me hold onto his waist tightly and then he took off this time, whirring like the wind.

Traffic was a bit bad so we were stuck for a bit. The waiting time spent, ended up in me zoning out and so my thoughts went back to my dad and the conversation we had, the hurtful words exchanged, the condemnation etc. When we stopped at my place finally, Forth was given back his helmet only to see a teary me. His face grimaced in pain. I hastily wiped the tears, thanking him for the ride and wanted to go off. But Forth held onto my hand tightly.

"Do you want to talk about it? What happend between your dad and you?"

I looked at Forth. I desperately wanted to talk to someone about it, my feelings, the frustration, the agony everything. But was he the right person?

Then as if he read my thoughts, Forth uttered this, "You may think I'm not the best person to talk to about this. But you aren't talking to me because you need a solution. I just want you to talk so there is someone to listen to you. That's all."

"Forth..." I sighed softly and nodded my head finally. Forth smiled. He told me to put on the helmet and said he was bringing me somewhere. I was taken aback but bit the bullet and followed him. We went to this quiet nondescript bar and there over a beer and some food, I shared with Forth everything that had happened.

"My dad isn't exactly adverse to same sex relationships as I told you before. But now, the rift is between us because no
1 I lied to him I was dating and no
2 he's upset its you. To me, I am angry that he's just so quick to judge you and not give you a chance. I..we fell out over this."

I watched as Forth listened to me but his expression changed a little.

"But P. We aren't really dating. Your father's opinion of me doesn't matter to me. Why do you worry so much?"

"You are already being so kind to me by pretending to be my boyfriend. But it doesn't mean he can insult you. I am not going to have him do that to you! You do not deserve it!"

I ranted out exasperstedly. Forth's expression changed again but I couldn't place it this time. Forth just placed his hand over mine.

"Does your impression of me still stay?"


"Like do you still lowly of me or something? Like I'm difficult? I'm hard to work with? I don't listen?"

"Forth.. that.. its just I didn't get to know you... I'm sorry. These last 2-3 days... I have seen another side of you.. and I'm just..."

"Then that's all that matters."


"What your parents think of me doesn't matter to me so much as long as you know who I am. For I know over time they will come to see too. So I'm not upset and neither do you have to be. Okays na?"


"Shhhhh P, end of this na."

Forth placed a finger to my lips, stepping me from berating myself over it. I nodded, a small smile coming over me. He smiled and took away his finger, both of us finishing our beer. We ordered another one and then I ventured to ask him about his parents.

"Is your mom still upset? About the dating.. "

"Na she isn't. Especially when she knows its not real. But she was a bit upset about your dad looking down on me. I just have to tell you first in case u ever meet my mom again.. its nothing against you na.."

I nodded soberly, knowing exactly where he was coming from. I mean if I was a parent, I feel the same way too. We chatted a bit more, over more beers when Forth's juniors swung by. I watched as he was a bit more reserved with them but still cordial.

"You seem different around your juniors na?"

"I'm the head hazer na P. I can't be too friendly with them even out of school. I don't want them taking advantage of it."

I nodded, privately abit surprised by Forth's sense of discretion. We chatted and then finally left an hour later, with him sending me home.

"Will you be ok?"

"Hmm I will be. Thanks for today Forth and about the slap again, I'm truly.."

Before I could complete, Forth smacked me on my mouth.


"You deserve it, for saying sorry again! I told you all is forgotten na."

I smiled against my better judgement, nodding my head and taking my leave but making sure Forth promised to text me when he got home.

Which he did, 30 minutes later when he got home and I couldn't deny there was the tiniest smile that flitted across my face seeing his message.

From My Heart To Yours ❤️ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now