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I pulled away from Arthit and looked at him. Arthit smiled at me.

"Are we good, P?"

Arthit nodded his head at me. "I'm sorry okays?"

I shook my head at him. "It's fine P. It's fine. I know why you did what you did. I can't say it didn't make me sad or angry but I also know why and I don't blame you. So please don't. And before you ask, my mom and I aren't talking but remember it's not on you and she and I have to sort things out ourselves. Okays?"

Arthit nodded. "Is there anything I can do to help? Or say or anything?"

"Yes. Just be there for me P and love me. That's all I ask."

"You are such a sappy guy Forth."

"Only for you P."

[Author's Note: PrimKayeCaete sappy enough? HAHAHAH]

Arthit snorted at me. I laughed and just leaned in to kiss him on his forehead. Arthit pulled away and looked at me confused.

"Really Forth? A kiss on the forehead?"

"P! You know what it means!"

"I do. And I love it. But I don't want a kiss on the forehead now."

"Then what do you want P?"

"For you to call me Arthit Baby and kiss me senseless."

"You gotta be fucking kidding me."

"Fucking, yes? Kidding, no."

"P! Oh Jesus! Who are you!!!!!"

Arthit laughed at me endlessly. I flicked him on his forehead. He dove into me for another hug until a phone call broke us apart.

"Hey, what's up Park?"

"Oh. Drinking? I'm.. " I looked at Arthit who nodded and told me to agree.

"Sure, sounds fun. Can I bring someone too?"

I rolled my eyes as Park instantly knew whom I was referring to and teased me about it. We agreed to meet in an hour. I hung up and looked at Arthit, asking him to join us too. Arthit nodded and we reached the bar around 9pm.

We went into the bar and I was firmly holding onto Arthit's hands. He was fine till he saw Lam and he paled a bit. I instantly knew that Lam must have said something. I glared at Lam who just shrugged his shoulders at me but both boys were more cordial towards him once they realized we had sorted our issues out.

It was a fun night and we had so much of fun drinking. Arthit didn't drink much but kept an eye on us. I went a little wild, also recklessly happy so I got hopelessly drunk by the time we were ready to go.

I stood up, staggering about drunk. Arthit glared at me but he held onto me and got me home safe. Once we got to my apartment, Arthit told me to go on in and be safe and said he will see me tomorrow.

I held onto his hand. Arthit looked at me and raised his eyebrows at me.

"Stay over, please?"

"You are drunk Forth. You should sleep."

"Uh uhh. Together."

Arthit laughed but he pushed me in gently.

"I want to sleep with you boyfriend but when you are not drunk ok? Rest well. I will see you tomorrow ok?"

I nodded drunkenly at him. He was about to walk off when I called out to him.

"Arthit baby, can I just get a kiss please?"

Arthit looked at me. His face had changed when I called him Arthit baby. He came up to me.

"Call me that again."

I looked at him and just stuttered, "Arthit baby..can..I get...a..."

Before I could complete my sentence, Arthit grabbed me hard and kissed me. His hands gripped the back of my neck tightly and he practically engulfed me. We pulled away about 30 seconds later and I looked at him breathing hard.


"I'm gonna go before I do anything else but Arthit baby was the wrong thing to teach you."

I looked at Arthit. Suddenly, my drunk mind became clearer. I drew myself up straight, held onto the door and looked at Arthit brazenly as I went, "Arthit baby, I really want another kiss."

Arthit growled lowly as he went Fuck it and pushed me into the room, snapping the door shut.

He totally owned me that night, first time ever, I bottomed for someone and was very very happy to do so.

Arthit baby totally owned me.

From My Heart To Yours ❤️ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now