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"Where is Arthit?!"

"I'm not sure Uncle...I know he has finished our classes but I left.. I didn't see him.."

Before I could continue, I heard Arthit's voice ring out.

"Pa.. what are you doing here?"

"Arthit.. I came to see you."

"Yes Pa, what is it?"

I quickly took my leave and left, before I got caught in the middle of them again. As I was walking away, I could hear Arthit and his dad raising their voices at each other. As much as I didn't want to be involved, I couldn't just walk away knowing Arthit was getting railroaded by his dad.

I sighed as I turned around only to see Arthit's dad slapping him. I was stunned. His dad raised his hand again but this time I quickly ran over and stood in front of Arthit, the 2nd slap landing smack on my face.

I grimaced in pain as it was quite a hard one. "Forth! Are you ok?!" I heard Arthit scream out.

I sighed as I nodded my head, watching Arthit's dad get even madder by the minute. Arthit grabbed my hand and pulled me; it was funny. I was definitely taller than Arthit but he just grabbed my hand and made sure I was standing behind him. I couldn't help but snort privately at the irony.

"What do you think you were doing?! I already told you there is nothing between us Pa! Why are you even doing this?! Embarrassing me at my workplace and now because you want to hurt me, you ended up hurting him. He doesn't even deserve it!"

I flinched slightly hearing Arthit lose it at his dad.

"You have no right talking to me like that! You never used to be like this. Its him, isn't it? He has corrupted your mind, making you become a worthless piece of scrum like he is."

I was stunned, shocked by his choice of words. I saw that Arthit was about to lose it at his dad again and this time, I pulled him. He turned to look at me and I pulled him this time, to be behind me. Arthit was stunned and I turned to look at his dad.

"I have no idea on how to make you believe that there is nothing between me and your son. I'm not even upset you hit me. I'm not even angry that you are judging me so hard. But I am pissed that you can't seem to trust your son and have faith in him. He's mo where like me. He's definitely a 100 times better than me. I don't know what will make you believe that but try scolding or embarrassing him 1 more time in public and you will see the scrum side of me come out."

Arthit's dad just blinked his eyes, looking at me stunned. He wanted to say something but bit his tongue and walked off. There was just silence for a bit and I finally turned to Arthit.

"You ok P?"

Arthit just looked at me and just sighed. He looked down and I knew he was trying to hold back his tears. I looked at him for a long bit then I grabbed him in a tight hug. He tried to fight it but I refused to let go.

"Stop fighting me, P. Please."

Arthit just sagged into my arms for a bit. I held onto him tightly wrapping my arms around him. Arthit just cried for a bit and I just held onto him.

We finally broke away. I looked at him and muttered "You ok P?"

Arthit looked at me and just nodded. I smiled at him. Just then we heard a cough. We turned around to see Arthit's dad standing there looking stunned at us. I was shocked too and didn't expect him to see us..

WAIT SHIT, I HAD ARTHIT IN MY ARMS! I was about to let go of Arthit but I watched his dad's eyes narrow and I knw he was going to say something. Oddly I decided to hold on.

"He needs a friend now more than anything and if you open your mouth to say anything to hurt his feelings, I swear I will not hold back."

His father glared at me but didnt say anything, just walking off for good this time. I sighed as I continued holding onto Arthit who finally pulled away from me.

"I get going first."

"Let me send you home P.."

"It's ok Forth. I be fine. Don't worry. Thanks na.."

Before I could say anything else, Arthit walked off, hoisting his bag firmly on his shoulder. I sighed as I watched him walk off, knowing he was hurting badly.

From My Heart To Yours ❤️ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now