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I woke up around 5pm, sitting up, bleary eyed looking around me. I was on Forth's bed but he was missing. The blanket was carefully canoodled around me but my boyfriend was nowhere in sight.

"Forth? Forthiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee"

"Yes, P? I'm here. In the kitchen. Cooking."

I smiled as I quickly pulled on a shirt and walked over to the kitchen. I looked at Forth who was busy cooking, dressed in nothing but a pair of sweatpants as usual. I walked over and hugged him. I was a wee shorter, and today felt especially obvious as I held onto him. Forth smiled as he kissed the top of my head.

"Why don't you shower and come? Then we can have dinner. You reek of me now."

I became extremely red faced and hit him repeatedly. He laughed as I grabbed a towel and went to shower. 20 minutes later, fresh faced, I sat down to a steaming plate of fried rice. We had dinner and chatted, cleaning up together and settling down together on the couch. I had a book with me whilst he started gaming.

I watched as my boyfriend turned into this madman gamer, screaming away wildly whilst gaming. I just rolled my eyes and turned to my book. As I was reading, a little while later, my phone rang. I shushed Forth up and answered it. It was my dad. He was just checking in on what I was doing for the weekend. I jsut told him I had just finished dinner and was just reading. He asked me if I wanted to swing by for desserts as my mom had made some new ones. I readily agreed and was thinking on how to ask him if I could bring Forth along. I just realized my dad didn't knew we were dating.

Just as I was contemplating, my dad asked me, "By the way, do you know if Forth is busy tonight? If he isn't, why don't you bring him along?"

Oh. That was a pleasant surprise. I readily agreed. Forth had already heard my end of the convo and had dumped his controller to go change. I laughed as I watched my boyfriend get ready.

I got changed with whatever clothes I had at his place. We got ready and then we left for my parents place. Once we got to my door, Forth just stood a little behind me, putting some distance between us. I looked at him in surprise.

"Your parents don't know about us taking and I don't want to take them by surprise either. So let's just play it by ear, ok?"

I nodded. He was really more sensible than I had given him credit for. I opened the door and went in. My parents were watching TV and absolutely thrilled to see us. Forth made polite conversation with my mom this time and helped her out in the kitchen whilst I was chatting with my dad.

"How have you been?"

"Good Pa. You?"

"I'm ok. Some business woes but that's usual. You look different though. Is it me or you seem happier? Anything good happened recently?"

I subconsciously looked towards the kitchen before answering, "No Pa, im just my usual self."

"You sure? I can tell when things look different for you. You sure nothing good or no one good happened for you recently?"

I smiled softly as I shook my head, though desperately wanting to tell my dad about Forth but also deadly worried he will not take to it well at all. Just then Forth came out with my mom, bearing desserts.

We sat down and had them. Subconsciously, when Forth was eating, he made a bit of a mess and I reached out to clean for him. I dabbed at his mouth and wiped it away. He smiled at me before we turned back and we found 2 pairs of eyes looking at us, albeit cheekily.

"Are you very sure you two aren't dating?" My mom asked cheekily. I kept quiet this time, unsure of how to answer. But I heard Forth speak up.

"Haha, no auntie. We....we aren't. Arthit definitely deserves the best please and I am..nowhere..close.". 

I know why Forth said that but it wasn't true and it was making me annoyed. I glared at him and before I could say anything, I heard my father's voice ring out.

"Is that so my boy? But to me, I don't think my Arthit can do any better than you. You look after him so well. Could anyone be better than you?"

We both twirled our heads to my dad in shock. Forth was even more stunned as this was coming from a man who had called him scrum once. I was just in shock over my dad's perceptivness.


"I know he means well but I could see you are angry by it. I half expected you to scold him but you were holding it in well. Were you guys that afraid to confess your feelings about each other to us?"

I looked at my dad, stunned. Forth just cast his eyes downwards. My mom just came over and sat with me, holding my hands in hers.

"I want you to be happy Arthit and if your happiness is with this boy, who are we to stop you? He seems like a good boy. He has always been looking out for you even before you guys started dating. Now that you are together, you think he would stop that? In fact I think he will move the earth for you."

"Maa.. I just.. I don't want you guys to be hating on him or anything. He's such a wonderful person and I really love him so much." I just verbal diarrhoea everything out. My parents started laughing.

"We have no qualms about you dating him. I agree, initially I may have shown some resistance but this guy has won me over. If there is anyone who I trust will love and protect you like I do, it is definitely Forth."

Forth and I looked at my dad in absolute surprise. I stood up to hug my dad in gratitude and my dad pulled Forth in too.

I don't know what was the better feeling, having Forth with me or knowing my parents completely supported us. They were both, just about there.

I looked over at my boyfriend who grinned cheekily at me. We went back to the couch, this time, sitting closer at my mom's behest. We also took the time to fill my parents in on what had happened with Forth's mom.

My dad sighed but said to give her time and maybe she will see how good we are for each other too. My mom asked us to stay over for the night and I looked at Forth who agreed cheerfully.

We took a shower and changed out, only to go to my room and then realize, damm I have always slept on a single sized bed.

I looked at Forth who just guwaffed loudly!

"Damn you Forthie!! How now?!"

"I'm here P. I promise to hold you tight and never let go of you na?"

I nodded, knowing he meant every single word of it.

From My Heart To Yours ❤️ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now