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I looked at Arthit, stunned. There was this awkward silence between us that was oddly saved by Arthit's dad.

"You should go see your mom Forth. You don't want to make her even more upset. Find out what is it that's bothering her and resolve things with her."

I looked at Arthit's father and nodded my head. I looked at Arthit who just nodded and pushed me to go.

I went out to my bike and he accompanied me. "Be careful. Do you want me to come along?"

"No its ok. I be fine."

"Text me ok?"

I nodded. I was about to leave when I turned back to Arthit.

"Did you mean that, earlier?"


"About dating me? Did you mean that?"

Arthit's face blushed deep red and he opened his mouth to answer but nothing came out. I looked at him for a bit before deciding to let him off the hook.

"I be off first P. See you tomorrow."


Just as I got onto the bike, I heard Arthit utter, "I meant every word.."

I didn't look back at him but the smile on my face was everything. As I rode off, it hit me. I was not even like vaguely interested in guys but suddenly, all I have been thinking of is Arthit all day for the last two weeks or so.

And the fact I have known him more in the last week than I ever, it just made me think of him more. And earlier, when he held onto my face, I honestly didn't want him to let go. Ah Jesus. I sounded so sappy, so unlike me.

I finally reached my house. I parked my bike and went into the house. My mom was sitting there, just nursing a cup of tea.

"You are here?"


"Don't Maaa me Forth. No mother would want to see her son get insulted. And that alone is enough to be on my mind for ages.

"Maa.. Arthit's father said sorry to me for the way he had spoken. I was just at his house because he wanted to say sorry to me. Look, that man doesn't know me and his opinion of me doesn't matter to me. But at least he is making amends now. Let go, naaa, let's just let it go ok?"

My mom just glared at me. Just then my phone rang. It was Arthit. I answered the phone.

"Hey, is everything ok? Are you ok?"

"Yes P. I am.."

"Do you... I mean is your mom ok? If she's angry, just give in to her. Don't fight her ok? Remember she means well and she's a mom. A parent. It's ok."

"I know P... I call you back ok?"

Arthit agreed and hung up. My mom looked at me questionably. I filled her in on the conversation.

"He told you to listen to me?"

"Hmm hmm he did."

"Even if it meant that he's at the disadvantage?"

"He did. Yes."

"Why would he do that?"

"Because that's Arthit ma. He's really this nice wonderful guy. His father is nice too. He's just a parent like you are. He wants the best for Arthit like how you want the best for me."

My mom fell silent, just taking it all in. She didn't say anything else but asked me to bring Arthit for dinner over the weekend. I looked at her in surprise but nodded my head.

My mom finally softened after that interaction and I spent my night cuddling with her before heading back to my own apartment.

As I laid in bed post a shower, a message flitted in from Arthit that put back the smile on me again.

"Rest well Forth. See you tomorrow."

As simple as that and it was enough to set my heart aflutter.

From My Heart To Yours ❤️ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now