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Arthit clenched my hand tightly when I announced it and even tighter when my cousin slapped me. He never let go, to give him credit. But I saw his eyes flare and he was about to step in when I pulled him back slightly.

"No.." I shook my head. Arthit looked at me, our eyes meeting, an unspoken conversation taking place between us.

Finally he shook his head. I looked at his father and muttered, "I'm sorry to break it to you like this. We been waiting to tell you guys but this engagement announcement forced our hands. We love each other and there is no way in hell I'm letting go of this guy."

Just then, another voice broke our reverie. "What are you on about?! You know how I feel about same sex relationships!"

We both twirled and realized it was my mum who had spoken. Shit, this time I saw fear course through me. I think I had completely forgotten my parents were there too. She was a wonderful person but never believed or accepted same sex relationships. Shit, I was so busted.

My mother walked up to us and this time, chaos broke out as she slapped Arthit hard, lambasting him for swaying my mind.

"You are being a fucking predator! Aren't you older than him?! And his lecturer? How dare you! Seduce my son. See if I don't ruin you!"

"Maaa! It's not what you think it is!! Ma. It's not Arthit! It's...its me. I fell for him. I pursued him. I forced him to accept my feelings.." shit my fucking lie was getting bigger and bigger but I knew my mom. If she wanted to, she could and would ruin things for Arthit.

There was silence then, a pitch dead drop silence that coursed through the entire room. Whomever was not involved in this, started leaving. Soon, there was only my family, Arthit's and my cousin's.

"This has to stop." I heard Arthit's dad speak out for the first time since this whole thing had escalated.

I looked at Arthit's dad. Whatever did he mean?

"There's no way I'm letting my son date you. You are no where close to him in terms of character or anything. My son is like gold and are like trash. I heard what a troublemaker you are.. "

If the air could get any colder, it would. I watched as my dad narrowed his eyes.

"Watch your words Nuea. That's my son you are talking about. Shouldn't you be disciplining your son? Lecturer, so called star son and he's gay? I believe yours must have seduced mine. How dare you speak such of my son?"

"Come on Jaturapoom. You yourself have whined about your son. We all know Forth isn't a good fit for my Arthit."

"And why not?" I looked at my mom stunned who just glared at Arthit's dad.

"Don't forget whom you are doing business with. Unless you really want to offend us."

"Ah, I rather go bankrupt than let my son date your sorry excuse of a son" snapped Arthit's dad.

Ah shit, this was blowing up. I sighed and was about to say something when Arthit let go of my hand.


Okays, that blew up in another manner. I watched as Arthit stepped forward, taking a deep breath.

"I'm no predator, I'm not gay. I'm not dating anyone. I just don't wish to marry anyone right. I don't fancy having someone hoisted onto me to be married to just because you guys want to expand your business. I'm not a product. I'm a person with feelings and none of it runs towards her. This fellow here agreed to my pathetic ploy just because he was doing me a favor. I'm not having any of you insult him. He doesn't like me. I don't like him. We don't love each other. So fucking stop insulting him. I don't want to marry anyone but if you cannot accept that, then bloody hell I will but Ma and Pa, you need to apologise to Forth. He doesn't deserve any of this."

Arthit snapped, walking out in a huff, leaving all of us shocked by how he had reacted. I looked at his retreating back and made up my mind. I tossed my parents a final look before I walked out after him.

"Arthit! Arthit, stop!" I managed to catch up with him just as he reached the carpark. I held onto his hands and twirled him around. His eyes were flooded and he looked like he was in so much of pain.

"Arthit....." but even my words failed me seeing him. He just gently took his hands out of mine and shook his head, apologising and then took off.

And all I did was just watch him walk off.

From My Heart To Yours ❤️ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now