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I woke up, holding onto Arthit tightly around 7am on Sunday. The room looked super unfamiliar until I realized we were in Arthit's home. I looked over at Arthit who was still soundly sleeping away.

I slowly eased myself out. I opened the door and padded downstairs softly, only to find his mom up and about, pottering in the kitchen.

"Forth sweetie, you are awake. Let me make you some coffee ok? What do you want for breakfast? He is still sleeping and knowing your Arthit, must be out too. So it's just us two for breakfast na."

"Anything will do Auntie. Thank you so much. Let me shower and come and I will help you too."

Arthit's mum nodded cheerfully. I showered, changed and came back down. Between us, we got scrambled eggs, toast, a fruit salad(which was all her) and coffee ready. We chattered away as we did the work and she insisted I called her Mae. I nodded.

Jsut as we finished it, both Arthit and his father came down. Arthit had completely forgotten he was at home and happily went "Forthiiiieeeeeeeeeee" . There was silence for a bit before he realized his mistake and ran off, mortified. I jsut blushed endlessly whilst his mom chuckled. His dad didn't say anything but the low key embarrassment for his son was evident by his tinged ears.

By 8.30am, we were all ready for breakfast and sat down. Over a hearty meal, we chatted and were discussing about upcoming plans etc. Arthit's parents were going away to Europe in 3 months time for a trip and wanted us to come along too. Both me and Arthit looked at each other and then we agreed. I mentally knew I had to start saving up for the trip and also make sure this boyfriend of mine didn't pay for me.

And going by Arthit's face, he was plotting on how he could pay for me without letting me know. I scowled at him over his thoughts and he just cheekily grinned at me.

"Before the two of you decide you are gonna pay for yourselves or each other, you are so wrong. This is my way of welcoming my son in law to be into the family so no one is paying for this except me. Not even my wife."

We both looked at Arthit's father stunned. Okays, so he had planned something else entirely. And I don't think we could say no. I just nodded gratefully as Arthir grasped onto my hand, thrilled at the thought of having his father acknowledge me as his son in law.

Now, if only I could convince my mom too. That will be perfect. But guess, there's never a happily ever after right?

This was the real world, after all. Arthit could sense I was thinking about my mom and held my hand gently soothing me as usual with his touch. I smiled at him, trying to reassure him that everything was ok but whom was I kidding?

The boy could read me well like an open book. And I think my sadness was displayed for all to see as even his mom gently rubbed my shoulders, reassuring me everything will be ok.

"You have to give her time. Like you said, you are her baby boy. She's always wanting the best for you. And she's not wrong. But she just needs time to see you are capable of making your own decisions too which are right."

I looked over at Arthit's father and nodded. Clearly, we have come a long way, from being viewed as scrum and worthless to probably being one step above Arthit as I watched him load my plate with food and top up my mug.

I cast a look at Arthit who was just smiling at me fondly and what did I do?

I grinned cheekily at him, mouthing "Arthit Baby".

The priceless look on his face - oh, so worth it.

From My Heart To Yours ❤️ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now