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I was doing my work at home when Forth called me.

"Hey, what's up Forth?"

"I can't go with you for the party P."


"You sent me the address and the invite. Was looking at it and it seemed so familiar. P...that family.. we are relatives. I can't. I can't help you.."

"What do you mean?"

"The girl you are supposed to be married to, she's my cousin. We are not close but her family and mine are and her mother is my mother's 2nd cousin. I like that lady alot, we are close as I used to spend my time growing up in her house. I can't..I can't do that to them.."

I kept quiet stunned. I sighed softly, knowing that I couldn't ask Forth for help.

"My family is invited for that party too. I will be there..I'm sorry..."

I didn't say anything and just thanked him for telling me. I hung up, holding my head in my hands. I was never going to get out of it, was I?

The week flew by too fast for my liking and soon it was Saturday evening. It was time for the party. I dressed up for the part and went with my family. When I reached there, I happened to see Forth and his family too. Apparently my family was close to his as they did business together. Ah fuck. I just sighed as I watched Forth stand around uncomfortably for a bit before he fled the scene, going to go talk to the birthday girl.

I just sat quietly having some snacks when Forth came by.


"Hey Forth. What's up?"

"Look I'm sorry about it..I just.. "

"It's ok I understand. They are your family too. But don't worry I will stay out of your way at school okays."

Forth looked at me stunned but didn't say anything. We had the party and then the bombshell was dropped. I thought they were probably going to just dicuss the possibility of marriage but it turned out to be a surprise engagement party too without my knowledge or consent. I knew instantly that my parents pulled a fast one on me as they knew I would never agree.

I was stunned and trying to hold it in without losing it. I clenched my hands tightly as I listened to my parents and hers announce everything. I found myself finding it really hard to breathe and I could feel my cold sweat coming on. I turned away to walk off to get a breather when I bumped into Forth at the garden.

"Are you ok?"

I nodded weakly, not saying a word knowing my voice will betray my so called confidence.

I just smiled at him and was about to make my way back in when he held onto my hand.

"Screw this" I heard him mutter as he held onto my hand tightly and walked back into the venue. There was just family and close friends so everyone turned when we walked in. I heard the soft gasps as they saw us holding hands.

"What's going on?" I heard my father mutter in a chilling low voice. I looked at Forth who just smiled at me reassuringly.

"It wasn't our intention to reveal it like this Uncle but an engagement? I couldn't let it happen, especially not with the one I love."

That's when the room fell deadly silent. Only to be punctuated by Forth's cousin walking upto him and slapping him in anger!


From My Heart To Yours ❤️ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now