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The rest of the day was abit more subdued as Arthit did his marking whilst I just gamed quietly.

My mom's words kept twirling in my head and I was really worrying she would do something to hurt Arthit. She wasn't a vindictive person but just very protective of me. And I knew she always wanted my happiness as the end goal but why couldn't she see that Arthit made me happy?

I glanced quietly at my bookish boyfriend who was just marking papers, glasses perched on and his lips pursued in anger or disappointment or frustration as he leafed through everyone's works.

Never did I think that I would fall for this guy. He had really driven me mad at one point and we had clashed over everything. He was just as sacarsatic as he was kind. He always seemed so gentle, so soft; I never knew he was such a firm and yet resolute character.

His ability to care, to be able to read feelings and act on them, being so brave in confessing and standing up for them- he really made me seem like the sappy one between us with my constant flood of tears recently.

But I was like that, just tough on the outside but a real softie on the inside which Park and Lam would attest for; which was also why Lam was particularly protective of me. I always dated people frivolously, not getting in too deep because I didn't think I could stand getting hurt.

And yet this guy, he broke down my walls, all of them and to top it all off, he was a guy. Never did I ever think I would date a guy, much less one who I had still disliked months ago.

"You ok?"

"Hmm yes P. Why?"

"You seem distracted.. your mind doesn't seem to be here?"

"Nothing. Was just thinking of something...."

"Oh?" Arthit looked at me thoughtfully but the little streak of worry flashing through his face. I saw it and instantly I stood up to go over to him. I sat down at the dining table, taking his hand in mine.

"I was just thinking of how we had met and also of my mother's words. I really don't want her to do anything to hurt you..."

"And she wouldn't. Rest assured ok?"

I sighed, not quite buying into Arthit's words but his reassuring smile soothed my nerves and I nodded.

"So onto the first part, what about us meeting? Do you regret it?"

I glared at Arthit as he asked me cheekily. But I could see this underlying look of wanting to know in his eyes. I smiled, leaning forward to kiss his grasped palm softly.

"I never dated seriously before because I was afraid of getting hurt. I never liked getting in too deep despite always wanting a relationship like my parents and I had never met anyone who had made me also throw caution to the wind enough to delve into it. But you... you did all of that so easily P. When I realized I had fallen for you deeply, there was no going back."

"When did you realize you had fallen for me?"

"Let me throw it back to you, when did you realize you had fallen for me?"

I saw Arthit blush and look away before he muttered, "When you held onto me and stood up for me infront of my dad.."

"My dad has always been very protective of me and he loves me alot. He just wants the best for me. And I always wondered if I can ever find someone who would be there for me like my dad was and that night, the way you stood up to him....I knew if there was anyone who would love me the way he does, it would be you."

I looked at Arthit, trying to gently blow air through my lips to avoid any more crying. Arthit smiled and caressed my face, leaning in to kiss me softly.

He sat back, looking at me, insisting I had to share on when I knew I had fallen for him.

I laughed as I muttered, "When I found myself making the effort to wanting to look the best for your father so that he doesn't think I am scrum. I realized then, I wanted to date you and I didnt want your father thinking I was scrum as he had felt."

"Forth! You know my father's words don't mean anything to me.."

"I know but I hope to marry you some day and your father has to like me for that.."

Arthit just blushed deeply but didn't say a word. I stood up, wanting to walk away, feeling shy that I had just made myself so vulnerable in front of him. I went back to my gaming but found myself unable to concentrate. Arthit came and sat next to me.

"Look at me, I know how much my and your parents approval mean to you and we will not make any major decisions if they don't like it. Ok? But trust me, when I say that all I love of you is all of what I see of you and I want nothing more. Ok?"

I nodded, turning my body towards him. Arthit caressed my face. "Now, kiss me please boyfriend?"

I shook my head, wanting to play hard ball. But clearly, this Arthit had another side to him. He looked at me deeply, running his hands down my chest lightly as he went, "Can't you just give in to your Arthit baby a bit?"

The soft spoken desire and chill that ran down me, ignited something within me. This time, as I pushed Arthit down onto the couch, he knew he had no chance of topping me again.

He smirked as I went down on him, my sweet sweet Arthit baby.

From My Heart To Yours ❤️ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now