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I took a nice warm shower, changed and threw myself onto the bed. Tonight's conversation with Arthit floated through my head.

All he wanted was not to get married off without consent and it had erupted into something so horrible. But this entire incident had a silver lining; it was showing me how kind Arthit actually was. Now, when I think about it, I couldn't even find a single trigger as to why we clashed so often in the past. It was just over something petty and childish.

Just as I was about to fall asleep, a text drifted in from Arthit. I looked at it; "Thanks once again for everything na. Have a good week ahead."

I looked at the message and in response, I called him back instead.


"Why so formal na, P? Aren't we going to be seeing each other at school?"

"We are. But I also made a promise to you that I wouldn't bother or acknowledge you at school. Remember?"

I fell silent. I recalled that very very clearly. In fact I wanted that too, at that point of time. But now, did I want it?

"Forth, you there? Is everything ok?"

"Yea P... I'm here. I'm just.. you are my lecturer at school. Wouldn't it be odd if you didn't talk to me?"

"We don't have many classes together Forth. So it wouldn't be odd. Plus we are lecturer and student in school. Best to keep a distance, na?"

I fell silent and just pouted. I didn't see why we couldn't still chat in school.

"Fine P. If you say so, if that's what you want. I'm fine with it too. Good night."

I ranted off childishly again and was about to hang up when Arthit's soft voice stopped me.

"Why are you pouting now? Aren't I doing what you want too?" His voice softly drifted in, soothing me.

"I...wanted it then.. but now.. not so much. I.."

Arthit fell silent then. There was just silence on both ends for a bit before I decided to make it less awkward for us but then Arthit beat me to it.

"I will see you tomorrow at school. Don't be late for my lecture na? If not I am going to nag again so badly."

Against my better will, I erupted in laughter. I agreed, promising to be on time. I could feel Arthit's smile radiating through the call.

"Good nights P."

"Nights Forth. Rest well."

The next day, I got ready for school and flew down. I was literally the first one in the class, even before the class nerds. I was taking my books out when Arthit walked in, about to set up for the day. He was surprised to see me so early.

"Here already?!"

"Yes P. I was ready early so figured I just come in."

"I thought I saw your friends at the canteen. Didn't you go see them?"

I kept quiet, not sure on how to tell him I had practically ignored them and flew straight to class instead. Arthit didn't say anything but just went to take something out of his bag. I looked on in surprise as I saw an iced americano bottle and a sandwich on the table.

"I had gotten extras of this. Wanted to give you 1 set too."

I just nodded my thanks at him, knowing clearly he was lying. He drank pink milk and loved it, for God's sake. Why would he drink an iced americano?

Arthit walked away to set up for the lesson whilst I just looked at the drink and sandwich. My heart was just warm at this gesture. I haven't really dated anyone and I never really had anyone doing such things for me or vice versa so this was a new feeling.

I was zoned out looking at the food that I didn't realize that Park and Lam had come in too.

"Oi when did you come? We didn't see you at the canteen!"

My face blushed slightly as I stuttered out that I had just reached a little while ago. Both boys bought it and went about their work but I looked up to see Arthit looking at me, a knowing smile on his face. My blush deepened even more.

The rest of the lesson went on quite uneventfully. Once we were done, Arthit took off. I knew he had other back to back classes so he just bade us goodbye and left. As I left the room with Park and Lam, a text drifted in from him.

"Sorry I had to leave first. I have another lecture at Block 3."

"It's ok P. I understand. Block 3 is quite far away also. See you tomorrow na."

With that, Arthit didn't text me again. I finished classes then went for Sotus. We wrapped the day up around 9pm. Around 8.45pm, Arthit walked in with Kong. They regularly dropped by as Kong was dating Pha so he was a familiar face here too.

I watched as the two of them chatted with the other juniors. I directed the rest into packing up and was cleaning up when Arthit walked over.


"Hey was your day?"

"All good.. are you done?"

"Almost. Why?"

"My dad wanted to meet you tonight. Do you think..can you..?"

"Sure P. I come. But I'm wearing my uniform. Is it OK?"

"Don't worry about it. I already told him that plus I warned him you had a long day so to keep it short."

I laughed, agreeing to meet Arthit outside in about 10 minutes. He nodded and went off to wait for me. I quickly cleaned up, went to the bathroom to try and tidy my hair before going out to meet him.

The tiniest smile automatically flitted across my face as I came into Arthit's purview.

Damn, I was screwed. This senior of mine, my heart was starting to waver for him.

From My Heart To Yours ❤️ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now