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We spent Sunday with my parents too before heading back to our dorms. It was a really nice day with them. My parents especially my father just spoilt Forth rotten. But that glee on his face was so worth it; I just let it slide.

Forth sent me home before going back to his own dorm. I was getting my things ready for the week and packing my room when Forth called.

"P.. what time is class tomorrow for you? I send you first ok? I don't have any classes tomorrow."

"You don't have to na. Just rest at home. I be fine. I come over with dinner once I'm done. Ok?"

Forth tried to resist it but I played the Phi card and I could hear his groans. I laughed as I hung up the phone. The next day was a long one for me. By the time I was done, it was 6pm. I bought dinner and headed over to Forth's dorm around 7pm. I was almost reaching his entrance when I saw Forth's father coming down. Forth was with him. I watched as Forth hugged his dad before they separated. Forth happened to look up and saw me and beckoned me over. I was a little hesitant but I figured Forth would protect me.

I walked over, waii-ing respectfully to Forth's father. He nodded at me and smiled.

"Hello Arthit. How have you been?"

"Good uncle. You?"

"Not too bad, my boy. Just met your parents last week to finalise and secure our business deal."

I looked on surprised. I honestly thought they had fallen out and not working together anymore. Forth's father smiled at me.

"Someone made it very clear that work is work and personal is otherwise and it cannot be mixed.", casting a glance towards Forth who just grinned sheepishly.

"That's good. Its good to hear you guys are doing okays. Had your dinner uncle? I bought some."

"It's ok, son. I will be having mine with the missus at home. Your dorm is here too?"

"Uh no Uncle. Mine is 2 blocks down."

"Oh. But I see you with food? Here to see a friend for dinner, I guess?"

I was about to nod weakly when I heard Forth answer. "He's here to see me Pa. We are having dinner together."

Forth's father just looked at us in surprise. Just then, Forth clasped his hand through mine. Forth's dad's eyes rose even higher. But he just smiled.

"This explains the dinner your mom threw the other day. And the fuss she has been kicking up over the last 2 weeks."

" are ok with us?"

"Of course. Why not? Look, I want my boy to be happy. My wife does too. She just needs a longer time to adjust to the fact that our son has found it in a partner who's not quite the conventional choice in her eyes. That's all. But there is no reason why we shouldn't be ok. As long as Forth is happy, that's all that matters to me. Just be a bit more patient with her ok?"

I just smiled, nodding my head. He patted my shoulders softly before he took his leave. I watched him drive off before I sunk myself onto Forth's chest. He just held onto me.

"You ok P? I could sense your trepidation earlier."

"I'm sorry. I'm just...I didn't know how your father would react.,."

"It's ok, I'm here. Like you are for me. I got you."

I looked up at him and smiled softly. As we headed back to his room, I held onto him a little tighter.

I seriously didn't regret ever asking him to play pretend boyfriend. It may have crashed and burnt then, but without that spark, I doubt I would be with him now and I am always always thankful to my idiotic self for asking him that then.

From My Heart To Yours ❤️ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now