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I could hear Forth banging on my door and I knew he was getting angrier by the minute.

I sighed as I sat on my couch, listening to him. I didn't want to do what I wanted but I could see how mad his mother was. She was fuming and I didnt want her to fall out with Forth like how I almost did with my father.

I sighed and knew I was getting on the wrong side of Forth but I had no choice. I rather make him angry with me than have him and his mom fall out.

The weekend was the shittiest I ever been through. Forth blew up my phone but I refused to answer. I barely ate or slept throughout the weekend and on Monday, I was like a zombie.

I went to school and shit, I forgot I was taking Forth's class for a lecture. I went in and the class was slowly settling in. I saw Park and Lam but didn't see Forth. I didn't say anything and just got ready for class. But Forth didn't turn up at all and I ended my lecture and had to go off for another.

Once my day was over, I went over to Sotus as usual with Kong but I didn't see Forth there either. I sighed. I kept a lookout for him discreetly but didn't see him at all. In fact, I didn't see him the whole week.

On Friday, I asked Park and Lam to stay back.

"Is Forth OK? I haven't seen him for a week now?"

"He's ok P. He's just at home."

"Oh. But he missed his lectures.."

"He got a note of absence. Dean is aware. He asked for a week off. He be back on Monday."

"Oh okays.."

Park and Lam looked at me but didnt say anything else. Park glared at me but Lam pulled him back and they left, taking their leave. I sighed and sat down, looking at my phone. He hadn't called or texted since Monday began.

I took my phone, my hands hovering over Forth's number.

"If you want to call, do it. Stop hurting him any further than what you have done. If you think you are stopping him from falling out with his mom, it's too late. Thats not on you. Its what his mom did. But now, he really needs you and if you are still thinking you are doing him a favor by staying away, you are so wrong. The only reason that's stopping me from hitting you is the fact that you are the very person who makes my best friend happy. Stop hurting him P."

I looked up to see Lam, softly saying his. piece. Damn, he was scary. Park was definitely the angry one and shows it openly but Lam, he was scary. He did it so subtly. It was so scary.

He just nodded and left. I looked at my phone. I decided to do one better. I grabbed my bag and left. I went to his apartment and knocked on his door. Initially there was no response but finally the door opened and Forth stood there.

He was dressed in a pair of sweatpants, no shirt and just holding a can of beer.


I looked at him. He definitely had lost weight. Clearly, he mustn't have been eating. I sighed.

"I didn't see you at class the whole week?"

"I needed time off. I wrote in to the Dean and got approval. I been doing my work online. I will submit your assignment on time. Don't worry."


"Anything else, P?"

I kept quiet.

"If there is nothing else, I will get going. I will see you on Monday, P."

He was about to close the door and I stopped him. I pushed it open, went in and shut the door securely on us. Forth just looked at me stunned.

"I'm sorry."


"For whatever I said and did on Saturday."

"It's ok P. You did what you had to. You are probably right to do so. You know best."

"I just didn't want you to fall out with your mom Forth."

"You are right P. It's ok. You did correct."

"Forth. Please. I'm sorry I did wrong. Can we please talk? Stop shutting me out."

"Like how you shut me out over the weekend?"

I sighed. Forth turned away and I held onto his wrist tightly.

"Let go P. Let me go."

"I can't, Forth. I can't."l I just can't."

"Why? Just fucking let me go."

"I love you, damnit. I am starting to love you and I hate that I hurt you myself. I can't let you go. I can't. Even if I wanted to. The weekend has been tough. The week even tougher."

I fell silent, having finally run out of energy and words. My monologue sounded longer in my head. But it fell short. Did Forth get what I was trying to say?

"I do." I looked up at Forth in shock, realizing I had spoken my thoughts out aloud.

I looked at Forth.

"Can you promise me that you aren't going to blame yourself? Or apologise? Or anything?"

I looked at Forth, confused. It then hit me.

I looked down, my eyes teary again. I'm such a sap. I looked up at Forth.

"You like me too, don't you?"

"Took you long enough P."

I responded by just hugging Forth tightly.

"Just don't fucking let me go, ever."

"Not a chance."

"No matter for who?"

"No matter what and who. No more."

Forth just held onto me tightly.

"And oh P, its not like. I love you. I love you way too much."

From My Heart To Yours ❤️ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now