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I just shut the door and took a deep breath. Oh gosh, Arthit just kissed me! I don't have to hide it since I'm alone so I just yelped!

Just then, my phone rang. I answered it and it was my mother.

"Maa. Yes?"

"Yea. Arthit will come by tomorrow. What time? Okays, I tell him. I be there too. Okays sure. I see you tomorrow Ma."

It was going to be a really good Saturday. I woke up early, cleaning my house and getting a run in before picking Arthit up. He was wearing a long sleeved shirt, rolled up with jeans and a nice pair of shoes plus he had flowers and a bottle of wine.

I just grinned at him. Arthit smiled at me softly. "Ready P?"

Arthit nodded and we went over to my mom's. My dad wasn't around, which was weird but I didn't say anything. But 20 minutes in, I knew why my dad wasn't around and why my mom invited us. And I wasn't liking it.

We sat down to dinner and Arthit gave her the wine. She looked at it and politely declined.

"It's ok dear but we pass. We don't drink."

I looked at my mom, stumped. Firstly she drinks, secondly, wasn't it just polite to accept a gift?

"Maa..just accept it even if you don't want to drink. Arthit got it as a gift.."

"But we don't drink. So why should I? Let's not waste Arthit's money yea, even if he has money to burn."


"It's ok auntie. It's fine. I bring it back home later. Thank you for dinner though. It looks amazing."

"Of course. Anything for my darling son."

Arthit just smiled. I looked on at my mother. What was she doing? I genuinely thought she wanted to know Arthit or make amends but it looked like..

"Did you ask me to invite Arthit so you can embarrass him? Ma!!!"

"What? How could you think that way of me? I'm your mother for god sake!"

"Ma. Look at the way you are behaving. What are you doing? Why are you doing this?"

"Forth.. its ok. Look. She's just protective.."

"Stop acting like you care Arthit! I can see what you are doing. Pretending to be nice so that my son will fall for you. My boy isn't gay and I am not letting him become like you. And even if he did like a guy, not you because I cannot stand your family!"

There was just a stifling silence for a while. I looked at my mom, completely mortified. Arthit just kept quiet but stood up a little while later.

"There's nothing in it for me to be acting about, Mrs Jaturapoom. I am only responding to your son like how he is. I know you don't like my family and may never will. But I am not like that and maybe one day you will realize it. I do know your son isn't gay. And no, I am not trying to turn him gay. I just happened to think he's a wonderful guy and I know he is this way because of the way you parented him. But I do understand your need to protect him so I will step away. I will not interact in his life or with him unless it's necessary at school moving forth. You can rest assured. I came because he asked me to. But I guess I will leave now."

Arthit just upped and left, his plate of food untouched and the wine bottle still there. I was completely taken aback by what happened and I turned to look at my mom.

"Are you happy now? You thought you are protecting me but do you know what you are inevitably doing? Driving me away from you. That was so uncalled for, Ma. Totally. I..I just don't know what to say anymore. Pa didn't want to be a part of this, didn't he? That's why he isn't here. I can't believe you will do this. To think I really thought you wanted to know Arthit a little better."

I stood up, wanting to leave but my mother held onto my hand. I just shook it off and left. I went straight to Arthit's house but he didn't open the door, even though I could see the lights on and his shadow. I kept calling and calling but Arthit completely ignored me.

I was so angry, I threw a punch at the wall before I left, completely in a different mood from how my Saturday had started.


From My Heart To Yours ❤️ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now