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Forth walked towards me and I noticed that he had tried to tidy his hair. I grinned inwardly seeing that. I discreetly checked myself out whilst waiting for him as he walked over.

"Hey P.. ready?"

"Hmm let's go na."

Forth handed me a helmet. I slipped it on and got onto the bike, behind him. I held onto Forth tightly and we took off for my house.

20 minutes later, we reached my place, which was when I saw Forth first stutter and hem and haw. He stood at his bike, refusing to move for a bit. I had walked off when I realized Forth was still at his bike.

"Forth, you ok?"

"Hmm yea P. I.. look do I look neat? Is my shirt too wrinkled or something?"

I frowned at his statement. "You look fine Forth. It's after school. You had a long day."

"I know P. But I want to make sure I still look neat."

I looked at him, he was really worried about making a less than stellar impression on my dad. I went up to him and just took his hand in mine.

"Look at me, all it matters is you came because I asked you to. After a long day. You didn't have to but yet you did and that's all I can ask for. Or my dad. What my dad thinks isn't important remember? He will learn to see the goodness in you in time to come. What matters is what I think. And to me, you look good enough. Shall we go?"

Forth nodded hesitantly. I smiled, just caressing his cheeks once without even realizing the consequences of my actions. His gaze changed a bit, when my hands touched his face. I was about to take my hand away when he held onto it, plastered to his cheek.

"Could you hold on for a while more?"

I nodded, not speaking, lest my voice gave away the slight tremble and shiver I felt when he held onto my hand. Forth leaned in to just hug me as reassurance. I held onto him tightly again. We finally pulled away and Forth thanked me softly.

I nodded, my own face turning red and I quickly turned away, before I was called out on it.

We went into the house, Forth trailing hesitantly behind me.

"Pa? Ma? We are here."

"Come in here, I'm here in the yard."

I walked in with Forth and my father was in the garden.

"Come on, sit here. Your ma is in the kitchen. Why don't you help her go get the desserts?"

I nodded, looking at Forth. He smiled and motioned me to go on. I watched as my dad invited Forth to sit down. I went into the kitchen and saw my mom.


"You are here. How have you been? Its been so hard to get hold of you.."

"I.. been around. How have you been?"

"Are you still angry with your father? You know he just wants the best for you though the way he handled it wasn't nice. He realized it which is why he wants to make amends."

"I know but the way he spoke.. he should have been more careful and tactful. Forth didn't deserve that.."

"I know. He seems like a sweet boy. Your father told me on how he had stood up for you. That changed your dad's perspective about him. To quote your dad, Forth seems reliable."

"He does seem so. He is also nice.. I am also starting to realize that about him. Do you know he sent me lunch the other day? So sweet na?"

My mother just smiled fondly at me. "Are you sure you two aren't dating for real?"

"No, we aren't. Forth is straight. He doesn't swing that way Ma.."

My mother just looked at me perplexed but didn't say anything, just shaking her head fondly. We got the dessert and went to the garden where Forth and my dad were chatting amicably. I sighed softly seeing this sight. As I sat down, I heard my dad say,

"Sorry if I troubled or hurt you with my words. I had reached out to your parents too but your mom seems less inclined to forgive me."

"I will speak to Ma uncle. Don't worry. She's just protective of me. That's all."

My dad nodded. We joined them and had desserts together. Post it, I showed Forth around my house, my room, the gaming den, the cute album pictures etc. We spent like about 2 hours and were about to settle down just to catch a movie in the home theatre room when Forth's mom called him.

I watched as Forth's face gleamed red in anger and frustration. He tried to rein in his temper and I could see. I held onto his hand, trying to soothe him. He was distracted by that and calmed down a bit. He looked at me as he tried to end the conversation amicably.

Finally I heard him snap, "that's a problem for you Ma. Not me. You cannot seem to let go, doesn't concern me. That man has said sorry, I have forgiven him and I am moving on. Its in your best interest to move on too. And for the last time, Arthit and I aren't dating!!! He will never like someone like me! Get it?!?!?"

Forth hung up in anger. My parents were hovering at the entrance of the room but didn't come in, reading the vibes. I jsut looked at him and all I said was,

"Why wouldn't I like someone like you Forth?"

Forth looked at me stunned. In fact I was stunned myself. Of all things, thats what I had caught on and pointed out?

Did it even matter?

From My Heart To Yours ❤️ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now