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I unlocked my apartment door and just went in. I sunk onto my couch, holding my head in my hands. Tonight had been an absolute disaster. My phone kept ringing. I watched as my parents took turns to call me but I ignored it all.

Finally, about 20 minutes later, it rang again. I looked at it, it was Forth. I answered it and before I could say anything, all Forth said was "open the door."

I stood up, confused and went to open the door. There stood Forth, dripping wet as it had started pouring a little while ago.


"Can I come in P?"

I nodded, letting him come in. I hurried off to get him a towel and came back with that plus a pair of sweats. I don't think my t shirts would fit him but the sweats would. Forth thanked me for it and went to change. He came back with the towel wrapped around his chest.

He sat down on the couch as I set down a cup of tea too.

"What are you doing here Forth?"

"I came to check on you P. So many things happened within a short period. I just wanted to make sure you are ok."

"I will be Forth. I am sorry for dragging you into all of these and having you get so insulted. I'm so so sorry."

"P..its ok. Its all right.."

"Your mom..she doesn't approve of same sex relationships? You didn't breathe a word to me. Did I get you into bigger trouble?"

"It's ok. My mom isn't. But it will be fine. I'm still her favorite child. She will forgive me plus its not like I'm in love with a guy."

I nodded woefully, still feeling somewhat worried that I got Forth into trouble.

He assured me and said he will make a move first. I nodded. I got clothes out of the dryer. He changed and made his way home.

The next day, I saw Forth at school but I didn't acknowledge him. We barely spoke at school plus I promised him I will keep out of his way so I did just that. I finished my morning classes and finally went back to my desk only to find a bento box on it with a bottle of green tea. I didn't know whom had gotten it for me but I was really thankful for it as I hadn't eaten anything at all the whole morning.

But I was a little hesitant about having the food too. Just then my colleague walked past and saw my lunch.

"Oh you finally came back! Your student Forth dropped it off for you earlier and passed the message to me."

I was surprised and thanked my colleague for the information. I dropped Forth a quick thank you and he just replied with a smiley emoji. I guess he must be busy at class. I had my lunch and continued my day. My last 2 classes were with Forth's cohort and we ended around 7pm.

I packed up my things and left campus around 8pm. When I got to the entrance, my dad was waiting there. I groaned inwardly but I hastened my pace when I realized Forth was also there and my dad was speaking to him!

My dad was in so much of trouble if he was going to harass Forth again. Definitely not under my watch if I could help it!

From My Heart To Yours ❤️ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now