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I was doing my work when my mom called me.

"Are you free for dinner?"

"Yes Ma, when?"

"I was thinking on Saturday? And bring him along."

That was a surprise. Arthit and I have been dating for 8 months now and yet my mom still hadn't come around to the idea. I didn't blame her though and just gave her space. Though we speak almost every other day and meet for meals, not once Ma had invited Arthit so this was good news. I was really psyched and texted Arthit on this.

He was really excited and promised to be there on time. Arthit had gotten a good offer lecturing in another university and had been there for about 5 months now so we only meet during the weekends. I was about to graduate in 3 weeks time and couldn't be more stoked.

Graduating meant I could finally move in with Arthit and see him daily. Sue me but I am sappy like that.

Saturday came around and I got ready to go to my mom's. Arthit said he will meet me there since he had to meet some students first. I went up to my parents and knocked on the door.

"Hey, come in Forth. Come on in. Your ma is in the kitchen. Where's Arthit?"

"He's on the way Pa. He's coming after meeting some students."

My dad nodded and waved me in. About 30 minutes later, I was just watching TV with my dad whilst my mom was finishing up the last minute touches on dinner. I kept looking at my phone but Arthit hadn't replied yet. Just then there was a knock on the door.

"That must be Arthit!! I will get it."

I quickly ran over to open the door and there stood my cousin.

"Junn, what are you doing here?"

"Auntie invited me for dinner. Didn't realize you be coming?"

"It's my house so yea. But come on in... Maaa, Junn is here.."

I watched as Junn went in and I looked down at my phone again. I was about to call Arthit when there was a knock on the door again. I opened it only to find Arthit there.

"Where were you? You really worried me for a bit."

"I'm sorry na. It overran. I had to rush all the way here. So sorry Forthie."

"It's ok na P. Come on in. By the way, my mom invited Junn too. No idea why but I let you know first... haix."

"It's ok Forth. It be fine. Come on. Let's head in."

I nodded. I brought him in and my dad was really stoked to see him. They chatted amicably whilst my mom set the table with Junn. We all sat down for dinner. It was abit awkward but we all settled down into a comfortable conversation.

But about 30 minutes into the meal, as we were nearing dessert, I finally understood why my mom had invited Junn.

"So Junn, when will your parents be coming over?"

"Next Sunday, auntie. Is that fine?"

"What's going on?" My dad asked before I could get a word in. My mom looked at him defiantly before finally uttering,

"Well I decided why not get Forth engaged to Junn? They are cousins after all and we can be connected within family. They are just as rich and influential as us. So why not?"

From My Heart To Yours ❤️ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now