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I was doing my paperwork when the students started coming in for their lecture. I watched quietly as Forth shuffled in with Park and Lam, chatting about something.

Forth looked abit serious and I wondered if everything was ok. I just re arranged my notes and since it was time to start, I commenced my lecture. Everyone was focused and took down notes and participated actively. It was my last lecture for the day and it was only 2pm - which meant I could go get lunch and start my weekend early.

At 2pm, the students said bye and started leaving. I was at my table, about to take out my phone and text Forth when he came up to my table.


"Hey. I was about to text you. Are you ok, you seemed so serious earlier. Is everything ok? Did your mom give you a difficult time?"

"Don't worry. Everything is OK. I was just discussing with Park and Lam on Sotus related stuff. By the way, are you doing anything tomorrow? My mom wants to invite you for dinner."

"Me, why?"

"Why do you sound so frightened?! Relax, don't worry. Maybe she just wants to make amends too?"

I looked at Forth wistfully and then finally nodded my head. He smiled at me.

"Are you done for the day?"

I nodded, stating I was going home to just unwind. "Are you done?"

"Not quite yet P. I only end my day around 8pm. There is still Sotus today."

"Okays. Remember to eat na? I guess I see you tomorrow?"

"Not coming for Sotus today? I thought you usually did?"

"Kong is off dating Pha so he wouldn't be swinging by. I usually come by because of him, to accompany him."

"Oooooh. I guess I see you tomorrow then."

Forth just smiled softly and went off. I packed my things and left. I took a nap and woke up around 6pm. I showered and changed and was settling down to watch TV when I saw the time. It was nearing 8pm. Guess it wouldn't hurt to go for Sotus and see the boys or maybe pick Forth up.

I quickly changed into jeans and a pink shirt and left my apartment. I reached uni with about 10 minutes to spare. I casually walked into the Sotus Hall where the boys were getting ready to be dismissed. Forth was issuing instructions but I saw the look of surprise and happiness on his face as he saw me waiting by the door.

He dismissed them and everyone got busy cleaning up. Forth came to me.

"I thought you weren't coming?"

"Thought it will be nice to? You don't want me to?"

Forth just looked at me exasperatedly. I laughed.

"You enjoy teasing me, don't you?"

"Kind of. You are like really cute to tease."

"P!! I am not cute!"

"To me, you are. Plus sappy. Like a Teddy bear."

Forth glared at me and I laughed again.

"If you are done, we can go off?"

"Let me pack up. 10 minutes okays?"

I nodded, watching him go off. He packed up and was about to leave when Park accosted him over something. But he finally managed to shake Park off and came over.

"What did Park want?"

"They are going drinking tonight since there is no school tomorrow. Park was asking me along but I declined."


"Because we are going home right? So I said no."

"If you want to, you can."

"I know but you are here and I rather spend some time with you."

"Wouldn't Park wonder why we spend so much time together?"

Forth looked at me for a bit hearing that.

"I'm sure he does but I can't help it. You are here and I rather spend it with you. If you don't want me to, then you shouldn't come see me either."

I looked at Forth, taken aback by his sassiness. I chuckled. "Guess you are right. I just want to see you as much too."

Forth just grinned in response. We walked out together chatting softly, about dinner plans etc. We had dinner together before Forth dropped me off as we had taken his bike.

"Get home and text me ok?"

"Hmm, all rights P. By the way..."


I looked at Forth who looked like he wanted to say or do something but was holding himself back. I waited but he didn't say anything and just nodded his head, murmuring goodbye again. He turned to go but I quickly held onto his hand.

He looked at me and I leaned up to kiss him on his cheeks softly.

The blush that overtook both of us was tremendous. And deadly silent as he scurried off whilst I just watched quietly.

From My Heart To Yours ❤️ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now