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I woke up around 6am, the following morning. I showered and changed, going down to the kitchen, wanting to make breakfast for everyone.

I was a little surprised to see Mrs Jaturapoom awake and bustling in the kitchen.

"Awake so early, Arthit? Why didn't you sleep in?"

"I..ah..I thought of making breakfast for everyone as a surprise.. I hope that's OK?"

"Come here. That's fine. Here, we can do it together OK? Forth told me you have a new job, is that true?"

I nodded and we eased into an easy conversation as we whipped breakfast up. Both Forth and his dad finally woke up and got to the dining table around 9am.

"Finally Sleeping Beauties. Breakfast is ready. Shall we?"

They nodded eagerly. We all sat down for breakfast. Forth's mum pulled my hand to get me to sit next to her. That was a surprise. But I was so thankful for it. And I looked over at Forth who was just grinning away.

Once we finished breakfast, Forth and his mom cleaned up whilst I went to make the beds. We finally got ready to leave for our dorms around 11am.

"We will be back next week for dinner Ma, aite?"

Forth's parents nodded at us and sent us out. Just before we were about to leave, Mrs Jaturapoom held onto my hand.

"I'm sorry na Arthit for everything I have done."

"Mrs Jaturapoom, please. It's ok. I know why you did it. And I couldn't be more thankful because its just a testimony of how much you love Forth. But I'm sorry for screaming at you yesterday. That was not cool."

She chuckled and waved away the apology, stating it was refreshing and she knew her Forth was in good hands.

We took our leave, heading back.

"Thanks P for everything. I really couldn't have asked for anything more."

"You do know you can ask for the moon and I will give it to you, no questions asked."

"I know. But I only got 1 thing to ask you."

"Sure, what is it? Ask and you shall be granted." I chuckled as I said it. Forth just raised his eyes at me but smiled as he stepped up closer to me and held my hand.

"Marry me, Arthit?"

I stared at him gobsmacked. "Did you..just...I.. did you?!"

Forth nodded at me, smiling.


I just continued to stare at him, in absolute shock. Forth looked at me curiously before he poked me.

"Oh my gosh, yes yes and yes. I'm sorry I was just taken aback."

"You did say I can ask for anything..."

"I did and I did say it will be granted. But Forth. I do want to marry you. Very much so."

"And I wanted to tell you, it's something I had asked all parents before asking you. My mom was the last person I asked earlier but she did say yes. So, know everyone is agreeable to it."

"How did you even know I was going to ask that?"

"P, I know you well enough. You are like the son in law, everyone wants. And I also remember your words last time, where you did say we will have everyone's permission before we do anything serious. And to me, this is one decision that I know you would want everyone's blessings in."

I smiled at him, nodding my head. My eyes were starting to tear and Forth grabbed me in a searing kiss, drop dead in the middle of nowhere. Two kisses, a whole load of sweet nothings murmured, Forth finally slipped on this simple diamond encrusted band onto my finger. I kissed it softly as my newly minted fiance took a picture for our family.

A fake engagement, a fake boyfriend, all the drama and tears, all the push and pull, finally, i was with the love of my life. And all of it had come by just because I had asked one guy, if he would be my fake date.

Can't say it was the smoothest move ever, but I never regretted it. I kissed Forth softly again as he took my hands and we went home.

Hand in hand, the pair of lovestruck fools we were.

With that, this fan fiction on Forth & Arthit comes to an end. I thoroughly enjoyed writing this, a couple I never ever saw coming.

Hope everyone will enjoy this as much as I do! Till another story, till another #lovewinsall.

From My Heart To Yours ❤️ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now