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I woke up, Forth cradling me in his arms. I stirred, turning around to face him and he was still sleeping away peacefully. I ran my fingers lightly over his face, shadowing his eyes, lips, etc.

Forth stirred awake and saw me. "P.. morning.."

"Morning Forth. You ok?"

Forth nodded his head at me, moving to get into another position but wincing. I smiled as I rubbed his arms gently trying to soothe him.

"First time?"

"Shhhhh P!" I chuckled lowly as Forth sat up slowly. I sat up with him. "Any plans today?"

"Was just meeting the boys for fishing though I may pass. I'm tired. You?"

"Nothing really. Going to mark some papers. Get some planning done for the week's lessons."

"Can you do it here? So we can spend time together too?"

Forth pouted cutely at me as he asked. Damn, never knew that boy could even do that. I found myself nodding without a 2nd thought. I got out of bed, taking a quick shower and preparing breakfast for us. Forth pottered about a bit more before finally showering. We were about to sit down for breakfast when the bell rang.

Forth went to open the door and the next thing I heard was a resounding smack. What the heck?! I stood up, running over to the door and saw his mother standing there. Shit. She flicked her eyes over and saw me, standing there in Forth's shirt and she glared even more.

"Despite me clearly saying no, and you promising to stay out of his way, you lied, didn't you? You turned my son gay!!!" She screamed at me!

I gulped softly.

"Mrs Jaturapoom. I hope you can listen to me. I really do love you...."

Before I could complete my sentence, she had just tossed some papers at me. I was stunned and took a step back. I picked it up to realize it was an application to transfer Forth out of school. I stared speechless at her.

"I knew I couldn't trust you. So I am submitting the application to have him out of the school. There is no way in hell my son is gay and neither am I letting him become one."

"There's nothing for me to become gay! I am what I am. I have probably always been like this but its the first time I'm acting on it. He makes me happy Ma! Why is that so difficult for you to digest? Don't you want me to be happy?" Forth ended up shouting.

"I want you to be happy but not with a guy! With a girl. Happily married, having children. Etc."

Forth was about to retort but I held onto his hand, shaking my head. He held his words back but I could almost see a vein popping.

"It's literally his final semester. There is no way the Dean would approve this application. Its a losing battle. What do you want?" I asked her.

She stared at me for a long while.

"Write me a letter legally binding that you will leave Forth and I will let everything be or else I am willing to ruin my son's studies to get him away from you."

I looked at Forth and then his mother. I sighed as I clenched my hands tightly. Forth looked at me, in utter dismay. I sighed as I looked at her. Forth's face had changed. He knew instantly I was going to do it for her.

He was about to turn and walk away when I held onto his hand tightly. He looked at me.

I took a deep breath before I looked at her. "I cannot and will not do it. The weekend has been hell. The week even tougher. And this is just me and your son merely not talking to each other. I love him alot and I will go through hell for him. But there's no way I am putting him through it again. Forth is a grown man. He can make his own decisions. You can't just take him out of uni. Even if you cut him off, I have enough to take care of him and myself. So do whatever you want but I'm not letting go of him."

There was utter silence for a bit. I think both mother and son didn't see that coming. Forth just held onto my hand tightly and came closer and I put my hand around his waist, holding him tight. His mother looked at us, narrowing her eyes and then she turned to left.

But before she did, she turned to look at me. "See if I don't ruin you."

Her statement was enough to cause some chills down my spine but I knew she was a mother and just being angry. I only hope she could see how happy we were around each other in time to come.

Once she left, I turned to look at Forth and caressed his face. "You ok?"

He nodded his head but I could see the bruise on his cheek. "I thought you were going to side my mom for a bit."

I looked at him and shook my head, "As much as I respect your mom, I love you. Not her. At the end of the day, you matter to me the most. If I'm not there for you, then why bother nursing all these feelings?"

Forth looked at me, his eyes getting a little teary. This guy was a strapping 6 foot build of just pure sappiness. I laughed as I held onto him, murmuring my feelings for him.

Though, privately I was praying to all Gods that his mother doesn't do anything to tear us apart.

From My Heart To Yours ❤️ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now