²god forbid

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"So, what do you think?"

Rin pulled the earphone out, her other hand still writing diligently into her notebook.

"The drumbeat is nice! The guitar needs to be turned down, add bass, then I think it'll be perfect."

A shy, pink tint appeared on her ebony haired friend's face, the girl tapping the ends of her earphone jacks together.

Jirou and Rin had been best friends since middle school – initially seat mates in music class. Jirou had been the one who inspired Rin to learn the piano, even helping her learn some songs at times. They both shared a love for music, Jirou having introduced Rin to music beyond the classical pieces that her parents made her learn.

"Thank goodness... I'll add it onto your phone once I fix it." Rin nodded, Jirou paying back onto a pillow.

The two girls sat on a flat roof, a hidden spot on Rin's impressive house that didn't face any windows and was hidden just beside her bedroom window. It was the one spot in the house that her father didn't know about; Rin's special spot where she often laid out blankets and pillows for the two girls to listen to music and talk late at night without disturbing her father across the hall.

Jirou always thought that the two-story house was way too big for two people. She had all the space she needed from her father, yet Rin still felt the need to have her own special spot.

Jirou gazed over at Rin from where she laid, noticing the focused expression on her best friend's face. They'd been listening to music together while Rin caught up on the school work she missed out on. 

She'd been absent from school for a week because her father, the infamous Number Eight Hero dubbed as Icarus, was needed on a business trip at Hosu. She'd fortunately been absent the week her and their peers had experienced a villain attack at USJ.

Jirou noticed that Rin always made time for everything. It was a flaw disguised as a virtue; sure, it meant she was an attentive friend, but she stretched herself thin to accommodate for everything.

Rin's overworking tendencies weren't anything new to Jirou. After being friends for three years, all throughout middle school, it was safe to say that the girl had been just as uptight and dedicated back then as she was now.

Albeit, it was a good combination; a girl who studied 90% of the time with a girl who loved writing and producing music. She served as a good source of study music, and Rin was an honest source of feedback.

She knew everything about Rin; ranging from topics like how Rin was brought up on classical music but actually loved Mitski, the Sukis and Paramore, to how beyond her pretentiousness and over achiever personality, she was just anxious and insecure.

But there was one thing Jirou didn't know until they started at U.A.

"Rin... how long have you known Todoroki?"

At the mention of the half hot, half cold boy, Rin's face visibly tensed.

"Since we were five." Jirou raised a brow. "He's one of my father's connections to Endeavour. They've been rekindling their alliance recently... though, Todoroki doesn't seem to be well disposed towards me."

Jirou sighed, leaning her head against the wall.

"Todoroki isn't exactly the talkative type," Jirou observed as Rin finally gave up on her homework. "Since the year started, he's hated all of us. So, I'm not surprised that he's cold to you too."

Rin let out her own sigh, tucking a few strands out of her face.

Shoto and her weren't that close as children, but he was never unkind to her until they both enrolled in U.A. He'd been mostly ignoring her presence and avoiding her during the first weeks of school.

But, dinner with the Todoroki Family yesterday was her first taste of Shoto's malice and abrupt nature that he hadn't possessed back when they were friends.

"He hates me." She let out a frustrated sigh. "I wish I knew why."

Jirou stared at Rin as she began to do her homework again.

Everyone in their class had noticed Shoto's obvious distaste for Rin; like a boy with a savoury tooth meeting someone with the sweetest personality. But his cold nature towards her expanded beyond differences in personality, but a raging hatred for the girl for no evident reason.

And, god forbid, someone hated the perfect, sweet angel known as Rin Takahashi.


"I'm thankful you're all okay."

Rin sat amongst her classmates who were recalling the attack that occurred during their field trip to USJ. She couldn't help but be slightly worried for her classmates when Jirou had told her the news , but she was glad to see mostly everyone in one piece – the few exceptions being their homeroom teacher and Midoriya.

"You're just lucky Icarus was needed in Hosu," Jirou commented, Kaminari groaning at her comment.

"It must be so cool having pro-hero parents." He added, leaning back in his chair.

Ryu Takahashi, Rin's father, had been a pro-hero long before Rin was born. His quirk was Singularity; the intense manipulation of gravity. He'd gotten into the top ten of the Hero Billboard Charts when she was five years old and had been the Number Eight Hero for many years.

Meanwhile, her deceased mother had been the former Number Three hero, dubbed as Nova, the hero with the ability to absorb power from the sun and manipulate it. She'd tragically passed away when Rin was barely seven, but was still a well-respected and admirable hero to that day.

A scoff came from behind the group, Rin glancing over her shoulder to see the only other student in their class with a pro-hero parent rise from his seat. He was noticeably peeved off as he grabbed his school bag and left the classroom.

"What's got him pissed?" Sero commented, grabbing his own bag too.

Rin's eyes subconsciously stared at the classroom door.

She wished she knew.


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