¹⁶the stars of the ocean

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Rin turned around when she felt a light tap on her shoulder, pulling on the earphones she shared with Jirou to face Kaminari.

Class 1A was in their school bus on the way to their training camp, rowdier than usual due to the close proximity to one another and the long hours of driving ahead of them. While most of her classmates were having fun or relaxing quietly at the back of the bus, Rin was silently freaking out – deep in doubt about whether or not her demand to change the location of their camp without telling anyone was a great idea.

Now that she was sitting in an enclosed space with nothing to do but wait for hours to see if her plan was going to work, she had nowhere to exert her nervous energy that seemed to only make her nauseous.

Not to mention that Rin hadn't told her two best friends about her and Shoto's discoveries about Ryu; she figured that since she didn't have a long term solution to the issues that telling them would only cause them the same anxiety she had.

So, Jirou had assumed her best friend was just anxious for her first camp and had reassured her lightly, suggesting they share earphones to calm her nerves.

"What's up, Denki?" Rin responded in a normal tone, not really finding a point in whispering if their classmates were extremely loud.

"Can we switch seats? Jirou offered to show me some of her demos." Rin raised a brow, glancing at her ebony haired friend who excitedly listened to something Yaoyorozu and Uraraka were talking about.

It was rare for Jirou to share her own music with anyone but Rin. So, she and Kaminari must've been quite close for her to show him her music, or at least a little bit special to Jirou.

"Mm, you don't happen to like her, do you?" Rin decided to whisper this time, leaning in closer to Kaminari in case Jirou accidentally overheard them.

His face flushed pink, Rin's face morphing into a cheeky smile as her eyes sparkled in delight.

"We...Well... I like being around her." He stammered, Rin's mischievous smile softened. "I think she's really talented..."

Rin sighed. She felt happy for her best friend who seemed to have a boy crushing on her, a nice boy too who loved music just as much as Jirou did.

"Okay, switch seats with me then, Lover Boy." She teased lightly, taking out her earphone and holding it out for Kaminari.

The blonde boy snorted, standing up slightly to grab the earphone.

"You should be calling your boyfriend that. He's the one who asked me to switch in the first place." Rin's face contorted into confusion. "It's like he can't even go a whole car ride without talking to you."

She let out a small chuckle knowing Kaminari was just exaggerating, pulling the boy out of his seat so she could sit down. Her dark eyes observed for a moment as Jirou's face lit up at the sight of the electric boy, Rin feeling her heart overcome with warmth at the sight.

"Oh. Rin, you switched seats." Rin turned her head to the half and half boy that sat next to the window.

"Yeah, Denki told me that you asked him to?" Rin said in a confused tone. "Is everything okay?"

Shoto nodded, closing the book in his lap. She noticed he was reading one of her books – the book she was reading in his bedroom the other day. She had left it at his house and was going to ask for it back, but seeing that she completed it and he was intrigued by it, she let him borrow it.

"I'm fine." He responded before frowning at her. "Are you okay?"

Rin's heartbeat pounded against her chest at his worried tone, fighting the urge to avoid his intrusive gaze. She hadn't even said anything yet Shoto could tell she was bubbling with anxiety.

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