²⁶my airhead

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Rin balanced on the balls of her feet, humming to herself as she listened to one of Jirou's demos that she'd downloaded onto her phone, both earbuds in as she waited patiently outside in the cold weather. Despite her numb fingers and the way her lungs tightened every time she breathed in the cold air, she smiled to herself as she stared down at her screen.

She suddenly jumped as an icy finger grazed against her pink cheek before one of her earbuds were taken out, Rin peering up before her smile widened at the sight of her boyfriend. He put the earbud in, in wonder at Jirou's pretty voice.

"Hey! Your fingers are freezing!" She whined, before snatching the earbud from his ear. "Also, Kyoka would not be happy if she found out you listened to her new demo without her permission."

His heterochromatic eyes stared at his hands despite her nagging, mentally noting her words.

"Mmhm, she wouldn't know." Shoto brushed her comment off. "Why are you outside in the cold anyways?"

Her eyes suddenly sparkled, his focus fully on her excited features. "Oh yeah! Your hero licence test, how'd it go?!"

He calmly pulled out the little card from his pocket, nonchalantly holding it out to her before she grabbed the licence with both her hands and held it up to the sun.

"You did it!" She squealed, spinning in circles with the licence still held up to the sky. "Ooh! You look so handsome in your photo! Your little smile! Aw!"

Shoto snorted, hooking his arm around hers before snatching the licence from her grasp, scrutinising his ID photo for a moment.

"Handsome? I seem to get called that a lot." He tilted his head.

Her lips parted, "who's been calling my boyfriend handsome?"

Shoto blankly stared at her, "Utsushimi from Shiketsu told me I was and she asked for my number."

Rin's eyes widened, "and...?"

He frowned, "and what?"

"Did you give it to her?" She crossed her arms, pouting.

Shoto shrugged. "Yeah?"

She snorted. "She was flirting with you."

He stared at her for a moment before he scrambled to grab his phone from his pocket, panicking as he went to delete her number. However, he stopped when a small laugh came from Rin before she grabbed his hand, taking it into hers before putting his phone back into his satchel.

"Pft, you're an airhead." She teased, pecking his cheek. "My airhead though."

Shoto nervously stared at their interlocked hands. "You're not mad?"

Rin shook her head, "knowing your texting style, she would've lost interest."

She laughed to herself recalling Shoto's very bland 'hello's and formal, fully grammatically correct, texting style.

"Whatever," he huffed before squeezing her hand. "I seemed to have kept your interest."

She glanced down at their hands before smirking up at him.

"Only because you would've crushed my hand to dust if I didn't date you, Mr Handcrusher."

Shoto glared down at her as she untangled her fingers from him, pulling a tongue out at him before jokingly running away on the icy pavement.

"Hey! Come back here!" He shouted, taking off his navy scarf. "You're going to freeze! I swear!"


𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 | 𝘁𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗼𝗸𝗶 𝘅 𝗼𝗰Where stories live. Discover now