²⁸i'm sorry

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Rin and Enji simmered in the tense silence between them, the former lifelessly staring at the floorboards as the latter quietly observed her quiet demeanour. Earlier, Fuyumi had politely interrupted their conversation to offer them tea, but her efforts were in vain as the two mugs had turned cold on the coffee table between them.

Even though Rin had asked to know what happened and he believed he was doing the right thing, he felt as if he'd dug himself deeper into the hole he'd gotten himself into; what was supposed to be him making amends with Rin only revealed more of his dirty laundry. Hell, he'd accepted Ryu's deal to marry off their children when he could've reported Ryu, saved Rin, and avoided at most nine years worth of restlessness over her mother's death.

Rin had every right to hate each atom that made up his being.

Yet, she sat quietly in front of him as if he was watching a storm brewing in the distance. Her glossy eyes were vacant, his words simultaneously overcrowding her mind with countless thoughts yet wiping her mind blank.

"That doesn't explain how we ended up here." Enji's head snapped up to see an inquisitive, furrowed expression on her face.

Rin stood up from the couch, slowly pacing up and down the small space between the couch and the coffee table. His teal eyes dizzily followed her tentative steps, neck aching from staring up at her.

"Ended up where?" Enji questioned.

Rin halted, pursing her lips as she let out a small huff.

"Right, you really don't know." She whispered before folding her arms to her chest. "Shoto and I found out earlier this year that my dad is working with the League."

Enji arose from the couch, "what?! And you're only telling me this now?"

She bit back the profanities that she wanted to unleash on him. "You're one to say."

He swallowed down his sharp reprimand, his lips tightening into a line. He'd just told her seconds ago how her mother passed away nine years ago, he was not in the position to be angry with her.

It was like the balance scale between them had been levelled. They shared the hurtful and painful information they'd been withholding, exchanging them so neither could be mad at the other anymore.

"Why is he working with the League? For how long?" Enji asked after a moment to calm down.

She only shrugged, continuing to pace the small space again.

"I thought it had something to do with Mum." Rin murmured.

"It probably still does," Enji responded before sitting back down. "I knew something was strange about Ryu."

Rin scoffed.

"Murdering my mother is not 'strange', it's pathological." She snapped before she could catch herself. "I would've thought you'd realise that Dad wasn't quite a virtuous person after something like that. But, I guess the bar is low for someone who abused his wife and children–"

" – Hey now," he warned, jutting his jaw out.

She shamefully looked away.

"Sorry, that was a low blow." She whispered.

He closed his eyes, exhaling. He knew he deserved to put up with her wrath and he silently decided from now on to allow her to take out her anger on him. But, Rin was on a higher moral standing – she knew better than to continue putting him down to make herself feel better, she was too kind. Of course, kind people have their limits, 'exhibit a' to just seconds ago.

"What are we going to do?" Rin looked expectantly at him.

He found himself face to face with a stronger, terrifying version of the little seven year old girl with tear stained cheeks looking up at him, waiting for him; just hoping he had a way to fix the mess he and her father had created.

If he didn't know what was going on, it would have looked like she was asking a question with a simple answer, her face stone cold and unfaltering. Yet, the tears that pooled in her eyes and the betrayal and anger that replaced the stardust in her irises were a telling sign that she was suppressing a lot more than she let on.

Enji inhaled deeply, trying to compose himself given that she was severely outdoing him.

"Like I said, I'll call off the arranged marriage." Enji answered. "As for Ryu, we need proof that he has run off to the League on his own accord rather than having been kidnapped. I know the Commission is currently investigating his whereabouts, so I'll have them get their investigators to join the team searching for the League's hideout."

Rin nodded, pinching the bridge of her nose as she closed her eyes.

"What am I going to do?" She whispered. "If the Commission catches my dad, it's over for me."

If the Commission and heroes get their hands on Ryu, it was likely he was going to be locked up for god knows how long. What would be left of Rin but a girl without a family? An amateur hero who can't be trusted because her father was part of the league?

Rin bitterly smiled, looking up at the ceiling in hopes of keeping the tears that wanted to escape inside.

She, more than anything, missed her parents. Yet, she hated her father so indescribably deeply.

"I'm sorry, Rin." Her eyes fluttered over to Enji when she felt a large hand tightly grip one of hers.

"Don't worry about it, it's an eye for an eye after I hid that Dad works for the League from you..." Rin stiffly smiled down at him.

Enji stood up before placing a hand on her head, bitterly smiling down at her.

"No, I mean – I'm sorry for the loss of your mother. I'm sorry about Ryu. If no one else is going to say it, I will. You deserve to hear it from someone." Rin peered up at him, his thumb stroking her hair out of her face. "I'll be the hero who saves and protects you from now on. Your father failed you and I've failed you too many times, so it's time to take accountability."

She swallowed dryly before taking a step back.

"O...okay," she breathed out, making her way to the door.

She was about to leave until Enji called out to her.

"And Rin?" Her hand tightened around the doorknob. "You don't need to do anything right now. It won't be over for you. Just... trust me this once."

Rin nodded before opening the door, leaving Enji behind to stare at her retreating back.


a/n: I'm back with an update! I've been hell busy lately, so I hadn't had time to edit and polish these chapters until now. 

Surprisingly, this book is approaching its end, but updates may be a bit slow!

I've also recently got into the Live Action! One Piece. I was one of those people who couldn't watch long-running animes like One Piece (at least, after watching Naruto), but I fell into the trap of watching the Live Action because of how good it is (NETFLIX PAY YOUR WRITERS GOD DAMMIT).

I've had a few private dms and messages on my announcement board to write a One Piece fanfiction, mostly OC inserts because y'all seem to enjoy my OCs as much as I enjoy writing them. I'm quite tempted, alas, I've only watched the Live Action and One Piece is a large series to touch upon. 

I could only write One Piece from the POV of someone who only watched the live action. 

If I end up writing one, would you guys want to read it? Please comment and cast your vote!! 

Anywho, enough of my rambling hehe. 

Just a quick overview, after this update, there are only TWO ARCS left for me to write about; the Liberation War Arc and the Epilogue. So, yes, the ending is rapidly approaching!

Thank for reading as usual 

<3 Celeste

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