2 Hot Cocoa Conversations

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Walking to the small apartment, Jayden's lopsided smile and hitchhiker's thumb gave him the impression they had made it. "This is me." She told him, as Stiles looked up at the apartment building. "Do you want me to walk you to the door?" Stiles asked, frowning at the small size of the building, but yet the large amounts of mailboxes that seemed to line the front wall.

A small smile, again genuine, made its way to her face, but disappeared just as quickly. "I guess. The most I could do is get you some tea or hot cocoa to warm you up. Guaranteed the rain isn't warm by any means." Jayden chuckled, wiping her face of the falling water as a smile came to Stiles's face.

"Sure. Yeah. You got marshmallows?" He asked, taking a piece of hair that had fallen in front of her eyes, placing it behind her ear . "Of course. It wouldn't be hot cocoa without marshmallows." She told him, blushing, as she unlocked the apartment door.

"Man, Parrish wasn't kidding." Stiles said aloud as he entered the space. "About what?" Jayden asked. "About it being small in here." "Yeah, well he wasn't exactly expecting his seventeen year old sister to come live with him. When he started renting, it was only him." Jayden said, walking off into the kitchen, not wanting to finish the conversation. "Can I ask why?" "Why what?" "Why did you had to move in with him?" Stiles asked and he saw her hesitate once again. "No." She told him and Stiles was stuck.

The ADHD boy was used to being shut down in a conversation from being too nosy or what people liked to say of being too much like his father, but he usually had someone to bail him out of the situation. Not this time.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Stiles asked. "You." Jayden said putting some milk in a sauce pot, adding in the hot cocoa, and lighting the flame underneath.

"Me?" Stiles asked as he looked around making sure that no one else was in the room. "Yeah you. Your likes, dislikes, friends, what makes you tick?" Jayden asked, turning slightly towards him as she stirred.

"Uh, well, I'm not that interesting." Stiles told her, thinking that if he took away Scott's werewolf powers, his life would be utterly boring, and they would still be the absolute dweebs of junior year.

"There has to be something interesting about you Stiles. There is something interesting in everybody. For instance my ancestry leads back to the French and the British , though I know German like the back of my hand." Jayden told him and Stiles breathed out.

Maybe having normal conversations with regular humans was going to be harder than he thought.

"Interesting, um, well I can tell you every move on a chessboard without ever playing." He told her and her eyebrow rose. "How do you accomplish that?" "My dad. He plays, mainly by himself as I'm not good, but I watch. I can see the strategy behind every move he makes. I think that makes him such a good cop." Stiles told her.

Jayden tilted her head to the side studying the boy who she had invited into her home. Pouring the steaming chocolate drink into mugs, she cupped her hand full of mini marshmallows and created a dome on top, one which was quickly melting due to the heat.

Handing the drink to him, he accepted with excited eyes as he went to take a drink. "Careful!" She chirped but he had already gotten his lip, Stiles hissing in pain as she tried to hide her smile. "It's hot." She warned. Stiles nodded, being more careful with his sips.

"My brother was kinda like that. He was someone who was always in the background. He didn't like social events, detested high school, though he passed with flying colors each semester. When he went for the army, I was surprised. Of course I didn't want him to go. Hell I was only thirteen and didn't even know what war truly meant." Jayden told the boy, rattling off information that she had never told anyone in her life.

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