5 Mind Tricks

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"Good morning everyone. My name is Mr. Yukimura. I'll be taking over for your previous History Teacher. My family and I moved here three weeks ago. I'm sure all of you know my daughter, Kira. Or you might not since she's never actually mentioned anyone from school. Or brought home a friend for that matter." Mr Yukimura said as Kira, his daughter, slammed her head into her desk making the class laugh. "Either way, there she is." He said pointing to her.

Jayden felt bad for the girl, knowing her brother would unintentionally do the same thing to her. She also saw Scott turn around and look at Kira, a smile forming on his face that made said girl blush. Scott flicked his eyes over to Jayden who smirked at him, obviously seeing the interaction as she sat directly beside the girl, and Scott turned around quickly. Jayden chuckled to herself looking between the two, thinking they would be a cute couple.

Unfortunately her thinking of something completely off the wall let her staring off into space, which happened to be pinpointed at the young Stilinski boy.

Turning to talk to Scott, he stopped as his whisky brown eyes caught her blue ones. He waved encouragingly, but frowned when he got nothing back. "I think she's staring off into space." Scott told his friend as he looked between the two, Jayden not showing any physical signs of knowing that they were looking at her. He saw the look of worry on his friends face and smiled. "Stiles, I'm sure she's fine. You stare off into space too." "That is definitely a reason to worry then." Stiles huffed, turning back around as Scott glanced over, looking at his shadow that seemed to evolve into an alpha werewolf. He stared at it, as his stomach turned, not knowing if the shadow showed the truth or just another hallucination.


Allison and Lydia sat in the art room, in front of easels filled with paper, colored paints, and brushes. Lydia studied her friend as Allison held the paint brush just a pencils lead length away from the paper, but her hand couldn't stop shaking. "Not the steadiest hand fora superb marksman." Lydia said quietly.

Allison huffed, trying again. "It's been happening for the last few weeks. Since that night." Allison told her. Dropping the paint brush, it splattered red paint onto the paper, reminding her greatly of her aunts blood that coated a smoke stained window of the hale house where her throat was ripped out.

Allison stared at the paint splatter until Lydia ripped a new piece. "Start over." Lydia told her as Allison blinked away the memory. Allison breathed out her nose, the same way she does for her bow, cleaning off her brush, she tried again. "Can we talk about something else?" Allison asked her friend.

"Sure. Let's talk about the girl who is apparently friends with Stiles now, though no one has ever seen her, like ever. And don't get me started on when she apparently showed up here." Lydia told her, huffing. "You sound like your jealous." Allison said, a smirk on her face. "Jealous? Of the new girl?" Lydia asked, a scoff coming from her. "Her pants weren't even American Eagle. How can I be jealous?" "Maybe because Stiles has his focus on someone else and not you." "Rich coming from the girl who still won't get back with her old boyfriend, whom she is clearly still in love with." Lydia snapped.

"You don't think she's an omen do you? Like she just showed up and no one knew." "I think a lot of thing are omens Allison. I think birds flying into windows, and random deadly storms are omens. Not a seventeen year old girl with knock off jeans. Plus I doubt she's even supernatural. If Scott, nor Isaac have picked up on anything, I think we're safe." Lydia told her friend. But Allison but her lip in worry, worry that Jayden Parrish wasn't as harmless as everyone thinks.


The bell rung, causing Scott and Stiles to rush out of the class, Stiles finding his locker first. "Maybe we need a little more time to get back to normal." Scott said, watching his friend fumble with his lock like normal. "Yeah, try not to forget we hit the reset button on a supernatural beacon for supernatural creatures. I think there's a chance things are never going back to normal." Stiles told his friend. "Yeah." Scoff huffed realizing his friend was right.

Stiles pulled on his lock, expecting it to come open, but when it didn't, he looked down noticing on his lock, there were symbols where the numbers should be. "What?" He asked quietly.

A few lockers down, Jayden had gotten into her locker, keeping an eye on the Stilinski boy. He felt like a safe space for her, and she really didn't want to let go.

Noticing him having problems, she came over. "Mine was stuck too. Want me to try?" She asked as Scott looked over at her.

"Uh sure. It's 11-33-13" he told her and she smiled as with a little shimmy of her hand, the lock popped open. "Oh wow thanks!" He told her as she handed him the lock, that he could read again.

Looking at Scott, she gasped a little stepping back. "Scott, what's wrong with your eyes?" She asked surprised and a little freighted of the different shade. Stiles turned to look and saw his eyes shinning a dull red. "He got new contacts, but I think he's allergic to them. We've got to get them out. We will be right back." Stiles said pushing Scott into a random classroom.

Worried about her possible new friend, Jayden followed, but stayed behind the closed door looking in the glass part. 'How were they going to get the contact out with out a mirror? Was Stiles going to stick his fingers in his eye? Ew.' Jayden thought to herself as she watched, but she was shocked of what she saw.

She saw Scott freak out, telling Stiles to get away from him, but Stiles would tell him it was okay. Jayden was confused until Scott looked up, his mouth full of razor sharp fangs, his eyes glowing a brighter red than before, pointed claws that he dug inside of his hands to keep from hurting Stiles, as his mouth opened and a guttural growl came out.

Gasping out in pain, Scott dropped to the floor on his knees, a sigh of defeat coming from him as he looked up his eyes now back to their chocolate brown. "Pain makes you human." Scott told his friend as Stiles looked down at his friend in worry. "Scott, this isn't just in our heads." Stiles told him as a gasp was heard from the door.

Both of their heads turned to see a wide eyed Jayden staring at Scott, but as soon as Stiles stood, she bolted away from the door. He went to go after her, but Scott stopped him. Listening to her heartbeat, it was beating way past its means, as terror filled her. The two sets of brown eyes collided, one nervous, one scared. "Stiles. She knows."

A/N: She Knows!!!!!!

Also let me know how you guys would feel about a Peter Hale story....... 😉😉

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