11 Losing Jayden

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S 3B / E: More Bad Than Good

"Scott! SCOTT!" Jayden screamed as she looked to Stiles. "We need to go after him." "Wait what? Jayden!" "Stiles! He doesn't have control, what if he finds this coyote? What if it is like him? What happens then?" Jayden asked. "Okay your right. Let's go."

The duo took off running, trying to keep up with their werewolf friend, but failing. "Scott!" Stiles yelled, trying to find any indication of his friend, but he couldn't hear anything. Jayden kept her sight and hearing about her as she seemed to noticed the coyote far before Scott, she wondered if she could do it now, just with Scott.

She heard something, it was faint, but she wanted to see. "Stiles, I think I hear something." She told him. "Where?" "Over there." She said as they took a few steps, but when she turned around she was alone. "Stiles? Stiles!" She cried, as she couldn't find him.

She couldn't hear him, she couldn't see him. Trying to find him, she kept walking, but instead of the spaz of the friend she was looking for, she found a cave. Glancing inside she saw the opposite of what she was expecting. Inside was a blue coat, and something that resembled a toy in the back.

From far away she heard a scream, two screams actually. Scott and Stiles. "Scott! Stiles!" She called as she ventured a little ways from the den. "Jayden!" Stiles called as they came from the trees and all three seemed to breath a sigh of relief. "I found something." She said. "What? A clue?" "A den. A coyote den." She elaborated. "Werecoyote." Scott corrected. The boys started to head to it, but Jayden stopped them. "You can't go in there. I didn't." "Jay, if it's hers, we need to know." Scott said. "Scott, this is her home. If we go in there, she will never go back. She probably still won't, not for a few days since we're so close." Jayden told him. 

"Did you find anything in it?" Stiles asked her and she nodded. "A blue coat. It looked small, like a child's." "Like this?" He asked as he pulled out his phone, and showed her the picture of the girls he had taken from the house. She sighed, a sad look on her face, "Exactly like that."

"If she doesn't come back here, where will she go?" Stiles asked but the group stayed quiet. "This is when one of you say something." "I don't know." Scott said, but he had his eye on Jayden. "How did you know something was watching us?" "I heard something, and then I felt like I was being watched though I couldn't see anything, I could sense something was there." She said. "How could she know anything Scott? She's human. Like me. Averagely human." "Thanks for that vote of confidence Stiles." "Just saying."

"But I didn't notice, and she did." Scott said squinting his eyes. "Hey, her brother probably taught her a thing or two, including how to watch for her surroundings." Stiles intervened. "What are you thinking Scott? A girl can't outshine you?" Jayden bit back, her anger coming forward. "Hey, I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it, just, let's calm down." Stiles said stepping in between the two. "I'm thinking there's something wrong with you." Scott said. "Wrong with me? Just because your not up to par, and I had spotted something you didn't, doesn't mean there's something wrong with me McCall! Maybe figure out what's giving you a wolf disfunction and get your head out of your ass." Jayden growled her eyes blazing with anger. 

Turning around, she stomped back towards the road, mumbling curse words under her breath the entire way.

Slapping his shoulder, Stiles looked at Scott with and scowl. "Dude, what the hell! Why would you say that?" Stiles asked. "I don't know I don't know what came over me." Scott said looking down ashamed. "Your not at the top of your game right now Scott, so maybe take the help where you can get it." Stiles told him. "I know."

"Can you track her now? You think you have her scent?" Stiles asked. "Maybe, but I'm better at this when I'm a full wolf. And I'm still worried that if I do it, I won't be able to turn back." Scott said.

"Is that why you flipped on Jay? Your worried?" Stiles asked. "Maybe." Stiles sighed. "The doors still open." He said quietly.

"If I can't get to Derek, we're gonna have to find someone else to help." Scott said as they both looked around. Then Scott had an idea. "This is basically a crime scene, right? I think it might be a little out of my boss's league." "And more my dads." Stiles said. "We need to find Jayden. If I call my dad and Jayden's not with us when Jordan comes, we all should be as good as dead." Stiles said. "I'll check the forest if you check the Jeep." Scott said and Stiles nodded.


"I can't find her." Stiles panicked as he met back up with Scott. "There's no trace of her through the forest. I can't find anything. A scent, anything." Scott said. "What do you mean?" "I don't know, I can't find anything Stiles!" "What am I gonna tell my dad? What am I gonna tell her brother! He's gonna kill me!" Stiles whined. "She couldn't have gotten too far!" Scott worried. "Dude she practically walks for a living! She was upset! She could have ran and tripped and died somewhere!" Stiles shouted. "Let's look again then." "I've already called my dad, he's sure to be here any minute. I can't tell him I found this on my own. He knows your involved, Scott." "Fine. We stay here. We deal with your dad. We tell your dad if we have to. Then we find Jayden."


Jayden wondered the streets, the voice in her mind driving her crazy as it drove Scott's words in deeper and deeper.

"You're weird, an abomination." The voice taunted, the voice of her mother. Tears gathered in her eyes. "Your disgusting! You survived while we died." Her fathers voice rang out. "Freak! You're a ticking time bomb with your emotions Jayden. One day your gonna explode and take us all down with you." The voice of her brother echoed.

Then it was quiet, almost like a void, silence in her normally busy brain. Silence surrounded her as she walked the streets of Beacon Hills. She had walked back. Well, ran, then slowed when she got tired, her pent up anger being drained from her.

Then the dark voice came through. The one who always seemed to creep through the cracks when bad things happened or the worst of her nightmare came to light, but this time it brought comfort. "Your not any of those things Jayden. Your perfect just the way you are." The voice spoke softly, it's graveley voice and dark tone still ever present, but it brought words of peace to her. "Your perfect."

A/N: This turned out so much darker and creepier than I extended, but I like it! Let me know your thoughts down below!

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