8 Reliving Memories

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"Hey Denny, this is the fourth voicemail I've left. I don't mean to be pushy, just let me know your okay. Please. Or let me know your alive." Stiles said sadly into his phone before he walked into class.

Scott looked up noticing his friend looking down, and the younger Parrish not on his arm. "Where's Jayden?" Scott asked already used to having her around, well now that she knew.

"Uh, at home. I hope." "Sounds vague and very un-stiles like. What's going on?" "Uh, well, I think I know how her parents died." Stiles said quietly. "What? How?" "Car crash."

"How?" "Dad and I, we were talking about an old case of his, that may of have some out of the box components. And well as soon as my dad said wreck, she froze, bolting out of the room, crying, screaming for her brother." Stiles said sadly, his eyes holding guilt.

"Dude you couldn't have known." Scott said trying to cheer up his friend. "It was all there Scott. The fear of cars, flinching at loud noises and flashes, hell someone just about hit Parrish's car the other day coming to school and Jayden literally jumped out of a moving car to get away. It was all there." He said. "You didn't know. Have you tried to talk to her?" "I've tried to call like ten times, left voicemails, texts. She probably hates me now." "I doubt it." Scott told him patting his shoulder.


As the rest of Beacon Hills High went to school, threw spit balls at each other, and talked of Bardo, Jayden was wrapped in her comforter, sitting in the middle of her bed as she stared at the blank spot on her wall. "Jay?" Jordan asked as he peaked his head in.

He sighed as she didn't seem to acknowledge him, her blue eyes almost hollow with how deep into her memories her PTSD was bringing her.

She had been like this since the night before, running to the bathroom, throwing up from her anxiety as soon as they had gotten home, then burying herself in her blankets.

Jordan had thought of getting ahold of Stiles. Jayden had started to come out of her shell from the small amount of time that she knew him. Maybe he could help, but he didn't, as he knew she had to work through this first part on her own.

He was turning to leave, so have his own time, but he heard something making him turn back around.


"No! DAD! Watch out!" Jayden screamed as her eyes widened in fear, her entire body flinching and stiffening at the same time. "NO!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, tears pouring out of her eyes as she relived her memories.

"Jayden, Jay, you're okay. You're safe." Jordan said pulling her into a hug. She clung to him, her sobs being absorbed by his chest. Her breathing got labored, then turned to wheezing, that quickly turned into gasping.

"JAY!" Jordan frantically shouted as he looked around frantically for her inhaler. Wiping everything from her night stand and searched through her bags, until grabbing ahold of her book bag.

"Oh thank god." He said quietly as he shook the canister. Leaning against the wall, he turned her so her back was pressed to his chest, Jayden practically sitting on his lap as he helped her take breaths in and out. "Breath Jay. Breath." He told her as he administered the inhaler, Jayden only breathing in roughly half of the dosages.

It was quiet, all except for Jordan's labored breathing, his anxiety spiking, until he heard her breath. "Thank god." He said quietly as she looked up at him tiredly. "Jordan?" She asked.

Jordan's heart broke all over again seeing how broken his sister was, that even when he had practically just saved her life, she didn't realize he was there, the PTSD taking hold.

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