4 Car Catastrophes 

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S3b E: Anchors

We're getting into it!!!!

"Jay get up! Your gonna be late!" Jordan yelled from the kitchen as he made his coffee in his work thermos. "Jayden!" "I'm up!" She grumbled wishing at the moment she could throw her brother out the window.

"You've got five minutes and I'm leaving." "Fine with me!" She told him as she crawled out of bed, dark circles beneath her eyes as she tossed and turned all night, not ever truly falling asleep. "Jay we talked about this, just as we did yesterday. I'm taking you to school so you can be used to being in a car again. If you want to walk home that's fine, but you have to ride in a car once a day." Jordan said from outside her door. "I'm perfectly fine with walking Jori." "Good for you. I'm not fine with you walking. You've got to get over this fear." He told her walking away from her door.

Sighing, Jayden looked through her closet. She never had many clothes, and since everything had happened she hadn't worn many bright and cherry colors as her mood didn't reflect it and she didn't want to draw unneeded attention towards herself.

Grabbing her black ripped skinny jeans and her charcoal gray knit top, she changed, throwing her brothers red flannel shirt over the outfit as a final touch. Her black lace up boots would tie everything together and make her brother happy that she didn't wear everything black, even if it was his shirt.

"Jayden-" "I'm coming!" She yelled as she grabbed her book bag, making sure everything was in it before grabbing a granola bar. "I'm here, let's go." She growled, wishing her brother would just let her walk. "Hey. I'm not doing this to punish you Jay. I'm trying to help." "This isn't helping anyone, Jordan." She finally said as she stared at the car.

Flashbacks took over her mind for just a second, making her step back. "Hey, it's okay." Jordan told her softly. "No it's not." She said in a whisper.

Getting into the car was always the worst part. Sometimes it took her thirty minutes to sit in the vehicle, and that was when it wasn't running. Today seemed to be a better day, only ten minutes of reassuring herself that it was okay, and that is wasn't the cars fault but the others person.

Sitting in the passenger side, Jordan went to close the door and she freaked.

"No! Please, just let me close it." She asked her brother and he nodded, going around to the other side climbing in. "It's okay Jay. It's okay." She whispered to herself as she looked out the windshield, flashes of the windshield of their parents car broken to pieces flashed behind her eyes making her suck in a breath. "Jayden, it's okay." Jordan said softly taking his sisters hand in his.

Giving him a weak smile she gently closed the door. Starting the car, Jayden seemed to shake like a leaf. Her nerves playing with her as her stomach flipped. "Are you ready?" Jordan asked her and she shook her head no. "Jayden, it's okay. It's the same car you rode in yesterday." Jordan reminded her and she breathed out. "Okay." She told him and he put it in drive.

Pulling out of the drive, she continued to shake, her breathing becoming uneven. "It's alright Jay. Your doing great." Jordan told her. More flashes seemed to cross her vision as she reached for her bag. "Jayden?" Jordan asked as she found her school bag, bringing it up onto her lap. She kept her eyes straight forward as she flinched at a horn, her hands opening a pocket as she started to wheeze.

Pulling out an inhaler, she shook it, breathing in two puffs. As her breathing started to come under control, she saw the school and mentally cheered.

That was until someone drove out in front of them, causing Jordan to hit his breaks, and Jayden to scramble. "Jay, Jayden!" Jordan said trying to get her back under control, but she had already unbuckled her seatbelt, and found the door handle. Realizing where her hand was Jordan panicked. "Jayden don't!" But it was too late.

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