15 The Call of The Wild

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Stiles got a call from his father, not only did Mr Tate have traps throughout the woods, but also let him know how the fire. "Fire? What fire?" Stiles asked frantically, Lydia looked at stiles in worry, her brow creasing.

"A fire at the station. Jayden was caught in it, she wasn't hurt, and got out. She's fine and with her brother. It's put out, and they are looking for a cause, but it looks like a printer caught fire." "A printer? What in the- didn't you just get that printer?" "Yeah, but things can go wrong son. Look that's not the main issue right now. What is, is that Malia, the coyote, whatever we're calling it, stole the doll."

"It took the doll again? What the hell is so important about this doll?" Stiles asked as he looked to Lydia. "I don't know but listen to me, there are traps all over those woods. Near the trails, probably near the car crash. And Tate's out there with a rifle. I want you to stay out of those woods. You got that?" Sheriff asked his son as Stiles's eyes grew wide, his brain making the connection. "Stiles?" "It's the doll." "Stiles!" Pulling the phone away from his ear he hit end, effectively ending the phone call as his mind tried to keep up with his thoughts. "It's the doll?" He asked to no one in particular as his eyes squinted in confusion.

Scrolling on his phone he looked down and hit several buttons before listening, a confused and worried look on his face. "Stiles?" Lydia asked. "She always picks up." He said as he dialed the number again, only to get sent to voicemail again. "Hey Denny, it's me Stiles, I need to run something my you. Call me back when you get this." He said as Lydia looked at him. "You called Jayden?" "Yeah, I thought she could help." "Why?" "Because she helps me think Lydia! Because why would it go all the way to the school and then all the way back to the house just for a doll. One that was in the car wreck in the first place. We didn't find it in the den, Jayden said there was only a stuffed bear." "It likes the doll. Who cares." "Yeah it likes the doll, a lot." "What kind of doll is it?" Lydia asked. "I don't know. It's a doll, you know it's got little arms a big baby head, and dead, soulless eyes. Actually I took a pic." Stiles said as he wrangled his phone from his pocket, but as he did, it rang.

"Jayden?" "Yeah mischief, what did you need." She asked. "First of all to make sure your okay, and second of all, we've got a bit of a coyote problem." Stiles told her as he put her on speaker phone. "Yes, I'm fine, I breathed in a little smoke, but mostly trama response is what I'm dealing with now. And would you stop messing with the wildlife!" She shouted over the phone and Stiles grinned. "Not like that Denny. Hey, I've got a question, and your really the only one that can help me answer it. It's kinda personal." "Sure, whatever you need." She said and he nodded glancing to Lydia.

"When your parents died, did you leave stuff for them? Like at the spot where it happened?" He asked as the line went quiet. "Jayden?" "There are two crosses. Before my brother brought me here, I zip-tied my bear to one of them. It was one my parents had gotten me. I left it for them. I thought it would help, but it didn't. Why?" She asked.

"The doll that I found, that was in my bag when Kira was attacked.I found it-" "At the wreck." Jayden finished, "Whose was it?" She asked. "Just a minute I took a picture." He said as he pulled up the picture. "That's Malia?" Lydia asked as she pointed to the older girl in the photo.

"Yeah, that's the jacket and scarf my dad found in the den." "Stiles, she's not holding the doll." Lydia said noticing the younger of the girls was holding the doll. "Her sister is." Jayden said through the phone speaker, her voice meek as she realized what the doll meant to the coyote. It was a momento.

"Stiles, you keep taking the only part of her sister she has left, the bear, the flowers, the-" "The doll. I know where she's going. Thanks Jayden." He said as he hung up.

"Scott, it's me. You gotta call me back as soon as you can. It wasn't malia's doll. It was her sister's. Malia left it at the car for her sister. It's like bringing flowers to a grave. Okay? And we stole the flowers. So that's all she's trying to do alright? Bring the doll back to the grave. To the car wreck. That's where's she's headed. The car wreck.-" "Stiles?" Lydia stuttered fearfully. "Yeah?" He asked as he turned to look at her, but froze as he saw her foot of the pressure plate of a bear trap.

"Stiles!" "Lydia, don't move." He tried to calm her down, but it wasn't working much as they were both worried. "Look for a warning label." She said, panting out in panic. "A warning label?" "Instructions of how to disarm it." "Why the hell would they put instructions on the bottom of a trap?" He asked rhetorically. "Because animals can't read." She told him sincerely, but his face drained of color as he dropped to his knees, brushing away the leaves gently finding a red label. "Lydia, we got a problem." "Huh?" "I can't read either." He said as the letters were scrambled together. He blinked several times, but unfortunately it seemed to just make it fuzzy.

Taking his phone out he took a picture of the label sending it to Jayden. Finding her contact he hit call, only for it to go to voicemail once again. "Really!" He hissed. "What?" Lydia asked fearfully as she looked down with wide eyes. "Nothing, sorry. Jayden's not picking up. I don't think I can do this with out her." Stiles panicked.

"You don't need the instructions, or Jayden. When is the last time you've ever used instructions? Am I right? You don't need them because you're too smart to waste your time with them, okay? You can figure it out. Stiles, you're the one who always figures it out. So you can do it. Figure it out." Lydia said as she looked down into his eyes, a different look in her eyes that he has ever seen come from her, but he brushes it off.

Searching with his hands he finds a wheel. He studies it, seeing where the different parts go, how they move and when he is fairly certain, he forms a plan. "Okay, here we go. Ready?" He asked as he turned the wheel just slightly, pulling her to him as she pulled her feet up and away from the trap as it snapped shut, it's iron jaws clinking together in a bone crushing clatter. Lydia leaned into him, breathing out in relief as Stiles had a grin on his face. He had saved someone, Lydia. Even if he couldn't save himself, he could at least save others.

Stiles phone rings in his pocket as he pulls it out. "Jayden." "Stiles, I'm sorry, I didn't hear my phone until it was too late. I was in the shower. Is everything okay?" "It is now." "Was that a bear trap?" "Yeah." "Was anyone hurt." "Not yet." "Okay. I'll keep my phone by me if you need me. Be careful." She told him ending the call.


Jayden sat in her room, hiding from her brother. Not intentionally, but since the fire this morning he had been over baring. Her phone calls with Stiles helped her, but they also worried her all at the same time.

Her nerves had been eating at her, her mind trying to keep a panic attack at bay as her mind went miles a minute trying to think of how she could help Stiles. She promised Scott and she saw the pleading in Stiles eyes for help so she knew she had to do something, but how was she supposed to do something when just like she'd said, "she'd been unstable for a while."

Recently she'd thought she's been losing her mind, loosing track of time, hearing voices, having no recollection of hours that had passed, and if she did remember it was foggy, like she was in a haze. How was she supposed to help Stiles if she couldn't help herself?

A roar was heard, it's low rumbling pounded her ear drums, making the girl look towards her window. "Scott." She whispered as she looked closer at the window, seeing her reflection, her usual blue eyes glowing orange. "What's happening to me?"

A/N: Do you think they depend to much on each other? Jayden and Stiles I mean? Should I split them up more, or put them together more? I almost think a bit of both but let me know your thoughts.

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