21 Unsolved

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Jayden, Stiles, and Lydia were in Stiles's room as he hung pictures and placed color coordinated strings to them. "What do the different colored strings mean?" Lydia asked as she laid on Stiles bed. "Uh, just different stages of the investigation." Stiles told her as Jayden looked over the pictures, but also packed her things.

"Green is solved, yellow is to be determined, blue's just pretty." Jayden said. "What does red mean?" Lydia asked as she quickly realized that was the only color there was. "Unsolved." Jayden said. "He only has red on the board." "Yes, I'm aware thank you." Stiles said glancing at Jayden.

"You gonna go home tonight?" He asked. "I think I should. It's been almost a week. I'm sure you guys would like your man cave back." Jayden joked and Stiles smiled. "We liked having you. I don't usually speak for my dad, but I could see he did. You welcome anytime. I mean it Jay." He told her and she smiled. "I appreciate it Stiles's. Really. I should be going though. Have a good night. You too Lyds." She said as she sent a little wave.

"She still not a fan of cars?" Lydia asked. "Nope. Still scared." Stiles said sadly. "You like her don't you?" Lydia asked. "Of course I do. She's my friend." "Stiles, come on. She's a bit more than that. She'd been staying with you for a week though I didn't see any blankets or pillows on the couch, or a different bedroom door open, so I'm assuming you guys slept in the same bed, or at least the same room. Am I missing anything?" Lydia asked with a smile.

"Yeah, that I was helping her out. She trusts me. She's had it rough Lydia, and she's more like me than anyone will ever know. So yeah she stayed with us, because if I could give her a peaceful nights sleep, or time away from her brother, I'm gonna give her that." Stiles said. "I'm sorry I didn't know. She's also human." Lydia stated.

"Yeah she is. Which means that we're the same, and I can only protect her the way I know how. I can bring her into the supernatural, allow her to know of the dangers, and how to protect herself, have Scott, Issac, and who ever else protect her, but her feelings, her emotions. The supernatural can't help that, but I can. I can help heal her. I can help her, and she helps me." Stiles stated as he looked at Lydia. "So I guess you could say that." He whispered. "Say what?" "I do like her yeah. I like her, I want to protect her, I want to heal her, I want to know her. I want to know every piece of what makes her Jayden."


Jayden had walked home. She knew that Stiles didn't like her walking alone, or at night, but she would also refuse to ride in his Jeep unless necessary. She made it home fine, which surprised her in and of its self, but what surprised her more was looking into the front window, she could see Jordan hunched over a pile of pictures and papers.

Now that she had spent so long at Stiles's it seemed weird to just walk into her brothers apartment. She didn't know if he would still be mad, or what would happen, and for a minute she had thought of turning back.

She had to face him. Jayden knew she hurt her brother, but he hurt her. She didn't know where to go, and when your friend is the son of sheriff, where's the safest place?

Not placing her bags down, she knocked on the door. She held her breath as she could hear her brother coming closer to the door, then pause. "Jori, it's me." She said softly.

The door had never opened faster as Jordan stood on the other side. "Oh thank god your okay." He said as he pulled her into a hug. Her body relaxed as she breathed out. He wasn't mad, well not for now anyway. "I'm sorry." She mumbled into his shoulder. "It's okay. It's okay. Let's get your stuff inside." He told her as he took a bag from her. "I'm sorry." He apologized. "You don't need to apologize Jordan. I'm the one who ran." She said, her eyes misty.

"Jayden, you wouldn't have ran if you didn't have a reason. I may not know that reason right now but I'm sorry, and I want to change. I want to be there for you, and help you." Jordan said as his eyes held sorrow and pain.

"Jordan, I don't want this to come out as sad, or to make you angry, but I don't know what's going on with me. There are things happening to me that I can't explain and I can't expect you to understand. Stiles is helping me. He understands what I'm going through, and he's helping me, and when you told me I couldn't see him anymore, well, I kinda went off the deep end." Jayden told her brother.

"I shouldn't have told you those things. I shouldn't have ever made you choose or pick. Their just friends, and your just trying to heal. I'm sorry. I promise I'm trying here Jay. I'm not the best, and I maybe over protective, but I'm trying."

"Jordan, we're not perfect. We're not meant to be. Things are gonna happen, but I need someone to listen to me, and I found him. Stiles. He listens to my nightmares, and about my PTSD. He listens to me about school, and friends, and my past, and my future. He listens. That's all I've ever wanted. I just wanted someone who listens. Not make it better, not try to change it, just listen, and he does and he understands. I need him Jori. And he needs me." Jayden told her brother and he looked down at her. "Okay. I hear you. I'm listening." He said as he kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry I tried to split you up. It's just I'm new to this. I talked to the Sheriff while you were there and he said you seemed to be doing okay. No fits, no nightmares, nothing. He actually thought you two were together." Jordan said as he looked at his sister expectingly.

"No Jordan. We're not together, though apparently the school thinks so too. He's my rock. He's helping me and I really just don't want to let him go." "I understand. I do. I won't interfere anymore unless I think something more is going on. I love you Jay and I just don't want to see you hurt." "I love you too Jordan. I really do."

A/N: Awww so brother and sister are back together!

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