22 Connected

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Stiles and Lydia ran to the Jeep, but instead of going to the school, like Stiles had said, they went the other direction. "Stiles, where are we going?" Lydia asked. "To pick up Jayden." "Why?" "Lydia you knew that Barrow was there, the same time that the chemistry lab just happened to explode? It's too much of a coincidence." "Okay, but why does Jayden need to go?" "I keep forgetting that you guys don't know as much about her as I do. Jayden, she wants to be a chemical engineer, she flourishes in chemistry and if anyone can figure out why the chemistry lab exploded from nothing, then it's her."


Stiles ran to the Parrish's apartment, and knocked repeatedly on the door. "Stiles?" Jordan asked as he answered the door. "Uh, hi Jordan, is your sister home. I really need to talk to her." Stiles told him and Jordan sighed. "This isn't going to end with her living with you again will it?" He asked. "No. No. I just really need to talk to her." "Okay. Jayden!" Jordan yelled. "What?" "Stiles is here to see you!" He yelled back.

Lydia watched the interaction between Stiles and the deputy that she had heard about. Stiles didn't seem afraid of him, and well if she was in his shoes, she would be terrified. Everyone in Beacon Hills thought the two were dating unless you knew them. Hell, even Lydia did and she was gossip queen. Lydia found it odd that Stiles wasn't his normal stuttering self when talking to parent or guardian of a girl he liked, instead he was calm, and wanted to see her. Like he was drawn to her.

"Stiles? Lyds? What's going on?" Jayden asked as she came to the door, Jordan still behind her. "We wanted to talk to you about the thing that happened at school today." Stiles said as he flicked his eyes up at Jordan. "A little privacy Jori?" She asked as he huffed but walked off. "He's annoying but he cares." Jayden said and Lydia smiled.

"Denny, with the explosion that happened today, do you think you could figure out what caused it?" Stiles asked. "If I can find the source, yeah. Why?" "Stiles thinks they're connected." Lydia told her and Jayden's eyes got wide. "Connected? Like the explosion and Barrow?" "Yeah." "Does that mean he had help? Oh my god. Jordan! I've gotta go, but I'll be back tonight." "Wait! Where are you going?" "Over to Stiles. He has questions about chemistry. We had a test today and he failed." "Denny!" Stiles played along and Lydia smiled. They were perfect for each other. "Fine, but I want you back tonight. No sleepovers." Jordan told her. "Okay. Promise. Bye." She said as she grabbed her bag and rushed out to the Jeep.

Looking at it, Jayden stopped. "Come on Denny. We've done this before. It's all in your head. There is nothing to be afraid of." Stiles told her and she nodded. "Nothing to be afraid of." She whispered as she stepped closer. Lydia got into the back as Jayden got into the front.

"You're okay." He told her as he held her hand. "I'm okay." She said. Turning the key and the Jeep started, and the pressure on Stiles hand increased. "It's okay." He soothed as he started backing out of the parking lot.

Jayden leg started to bounce as she chewed her lip out of nerves. Lydia had never seen the girl like this and she now had an understanding of Stiles's argument earlier. She needed help, and if he could give her that, then he would.


Arriving at the school, Jayden practically jumped out of the Jeep as soon as it was parked. Taking a deep breath her heart beat slowed with every breath until it was under control again. "You okay?" Stiles asked. "Not really, but I've got to get over it." She told him and he brought her into a hug.

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