1 Lovely Walk Home

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A police car pulled up to the Beacon Hills Police Department. The occupants inside the building were almost certain of who was in the backseat, especially a certain deputy, but he had to wait until he saw her, or well heard her.

A sandy haired girl with striking blue eyes, a vast difference compared to her brother, was hauled into the building, her shouts and curses brought up the heads of the fellow deputies of the department.

"Get your hands off of me! My brother will have your ass! Jordan!" The girl yelled as Jordan Parrish sat at his desk, his eyes closed, head in his hands.

"Jay, hush. What was it this time?" Jordan asked the deputy that still had a hold of his younger sister as he stood to meet them. "Graffiti on the old Mackies building." The deputy told him and Jordan sighed.

"I'll take her." Jordan said, grabbing ahold of his sister and hauling her towards the holding cells. "You're not really gonna put me in there, are you Jori?" Jayden asked her older brother, causing him to stop and spin her around so he could see the serious look on his face. "This is the third time this month, Jay!" He told her sternly as he took her handcuffs off.

"It's just a little paint." She scoffed. "Paint that's illegal Jayden! I'd buy you some canvases if I knew you would use them and stop spray painting half of Beacon Hills! I can't keep bailing you out!" Jordan told her, his voice as tense as his body. "It's harmless! It's not like I killed anyone!" She shouted, heads turning towards the pair.

"Keep your voice down!" He hissed a fire in his eyes that the girl had seen far too often recently. "Your not dad Jordan, for that matter your not mom either!" She yelled at her brother, her eyes tearing up at the thought of her parents they both recently lost.

"I'm not Jay. I know I'm not, but I'm the best you've got." He told her, a sadness in his voice that made her want to crumble. "What do I have to do?" He asked, practically begged, just wanting his little sister to listen to him. "I just need you to listen, don't talk, don't smile, don't console me damn it! Just listen!" She told him tear streaks on her cheeks as she begged her brother to just listen.

"I have been." "No. You're listening like a cop. I need you to listen like my brother. I want my brother back Jordan! I don't want another parent." She said as her voice cracked. "That's what you need." He told her. "No. That's what you need!" She told him, her eyes turning cold as she looked at him.

Jordan saw her walls go back up, the coldness that had been there for so long, that he had just gotten to thaw, had just frozen back over.

"Jay! Jayden!" Jordan yelled as she turned and ran out of the police station.

"Parrish." The Sheriff said as he saw the teen rush off and out the door, her brother, not far behind her. "I don't know what to do." Jordan told the sheriff, a sigh of defeat coming from him as he saw her get drenched in a matter of seconds from the pouring rain. "She needs time." The sheriff told his deputy as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Dad who was that?" Stiles asked as he shimmied his way from his fathers office. "That would be my sister." Jordan sighed as the three males watched as she walked from the station to the road in the rain, not noticing her tears mixing with the droplets. "Your sister?" Stiles's head snapping to his father's newest deputy. "Yes Stiles, his sister. Jayden Parrish."

"I didn't know you had a sister." Stiles said aloud. "And as far as I'm concerned you never did. Do us a favor Stiles, and bring her back home. Parrish still has a few hours left, and I've got a feeling she doesn't want to see him right now." The sheriff asked his son as Stiles looked at him. "You just said I didn't know if her." "Stiles!" "Fine." The teen boy grumbled, grabbing his jacket and keys from his fathers office.

Hoping in Roscoe, after a few failed attempts, the old Jeep fired up and he pulled out of his parking spot. It didn't take Stiles long to find the drenched girl walking along the side of the road.

He came to a stop next to her, though she paid him no mind. Rolling down the window slightly, cursing in his head as the seats got wet. "Jayden?" Stiles asked, not for sure if he had remembered her name correctly, even if he had just heard it a few minutes prior. "Did my brother send you after me?" Jayden asked, looking up at the old Jeep. Stiles frowned at her hostile tone. "No actually, my dad did. The Sheriff." Stiles told her. Then she stopped.

Stiles took that as his invitation to continue. "He wanted me to give you a ride home." He said and she froze. "I'll walk." "I promise, I'll be a gentleman." Stiles countered, trying to figure out why she would want to voluntarily walk in the rain.

"Thank you for the offer, but I'll still walk." She told him, a small smile coming to her face, directed at the boy. "What? Are you scared of cars?" Stiles asked rhetorically, but Jayden hesitated. "You could say that." She said quietly, Mother Nature almost drowning her out as thunder rumbled over them.

"How far is it?" Stiles asked the soaked girl. "Not far, just a few blocks." She told him vaguely. A smile came to his face, as did an idea. "Just a minute." He told her, parking his Jeep in a nearby parking lot, making sure to lock it up and take his bat from the back. Running back to her side, Stiles was now completely drenched as the rain seemed to only fall harder.

"You shouldn't have done that." She told him, "it's just a few blocks. And now you'll be sick." "Then I'll walk with you, for a few short blocks. Plus if I get sick I can just blame it on you." Stiles smiled at her, "Plus, no one needs to walk alone at night in this town." Stiles told her and she smiled, a genuine smile, one that hadn't graced her face in a while. "Thanks uh-" "Stiles." "Stiles, right... Why do you have a bat?" "Long story."

A/N: My baby has met our favorite spaz! Who ships them? We need to create a ship name! Comment your creations down below and I'll pick one and use it in the story!

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