17 Breakfast feast

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"Why do you have to be my personal hell?" Stiles asked as he looked at the girl in front of him as she scrolled on his computer. "I woke you up and got you out of bed. I didn't kill your dog." Jayden teased and Stiles snorted.

"What are you looking up anyway?" "What causes nightmares and hallucinations." She said and Stiles froze. "You want to know?" "I want to know why I can't remember anything Stiles. I want my life back. I'm sick of being terrified of being awake or asleep, because it seems that no matter what we do, we don't get a break." Jayden growled out in frustration, trying to mask how scared she was, but Stiles could see.

"It's going to be okay." He told her. "How do you know?" "Because. As long as we're together, nothing can stop us." "Don't you mean nothing can hurt us?" She asked, but the lights flickered as she looked back at Stiles, his head was down and he wasn't moving. "Stiles?" Nothing. "Stiles!" "Nothing can stop us, Jayden. Nothing." Stiles said as his head snapped up, his eyes dark and soulless, his lips turned up into a sinister grin. The same voice from before, the comforting one, the dark one came forward. "Nothing can stop us."


Jayden's head shot up, a scream coming from her as she pushed away from the desk she was at, toppling over in the chair. The same desk, the same research on the screen as in her dream.

"Stiles?" She called as she realized he wasn't in the room. "I'm in the kitchen! We have cereal and well, cereal." He stated as she glanced around shaking off the feeling of dread that came over her.

Headed to his voice, she found him with a gigantic bowl of cereal. "You gonna eat all that?" She asked as she searched through the fridge. "Yeah." He said with his mouth full. "Ew gross. Chew, swallow, then speak." She said and he did. "What was the scream about?" She froze on her search, then continued. "Come on Jay, we opened up last night. Don't block me out." "It was a dream." "A dream? You were asleep for like maybe five minutes." "So, it was a dream, and it had a weird feeling about it." She told him. "What was it about? Me?" He asked and again she froze.

"It was! Was it a dirty dream?" Stiles asked, wiggling his eyebrows and she glared. "I just figured I would ask. So what happened in it?" "It was just you, we were talking then something took over you. A voice that I'd heard before, but there was something different." "What?" "It said nothing can stop us. Like as if we were together."

"Or a pair." Stiles said. "What do you think that means?" "I think it means that our nightmares, our PTSD, our hallucinations, our black outs, that they're more than coincidental. They're happening for a reason, and to both of us." Stiles told her.

"Do you think we should tell Scott and the others?" Jayden asked. "No, let's figure out what we can find on our own first, and if it's anything bad, we tell them." Stiles said and Jayden nodded.

With the tough topics covered, Jayden grabbed the eggs out of the fridge along with a frozen sausage patty. "You know how to cook?" "Of course I do. Do you?" "I know how to survive." Stiles joked, and Jayden chuckled. "Cereal and pizza rolls is not surviving." "It is if that is what your surviving on." Stiles countered.

"Do you know how to make scrambled eggs. Let me rephrase, good scrambled eggs?" She asked. "I usually just microwave mine." "Eww! Stiles! That's actually how your gonna die. It's not gonna be by a supernatural being. It's gonna be by the food that you eat." She said with a disgusted face, fake gagging.

"Okay enough about my nonexistent cooking skills. You know Einstein was a brilliant man, I bet he didn't know how to cook either." "When he was born, houses didn't have electricity Stiles. Come over here so I can teach you something." She said waving him over and he did, he sat beside her and watched as she started her mini cooking class.

"My favorite way to do eggs is with a little bit of milk, salt, pepper, and garlic. But the best way to maximize your flavor and stretch you eggs, fry up some sausage. Cook it all the way through, then take it out of the skillet. Use the grease instead of oil, and then add back in your sausage when cooking your eggs, see?" She asked as she cooked the eggs, fluffing up nicely in the pan due to the milk.

"Can I try some?" Stiles asked as she got out forks and two plates. "I knew that cereal wasn't enough for you." She said as she divided up the eggs. "Thanks." "No problem."

Eating her eggs in silence was soon broken as the boy beside her started to make noise. "Stiles?" "That's it, your making food for the rest of your life." He praised and she laughed. "Pretty good?" "Pretty good? Really good! I haven't really had a home cooked meal in years, not since my mom died." "Well, scrambled eggs are just the beginning of our cooking adventures." Jayden smiled and Stiles copied her.

"What else is on the list for today? It's Sunday, so one more day until school starts." "One more day until mischief nigh." Stiles said his eyes alight with excitement. "What?" "Mischief night." "What's that?" "Only the best night ever! It also just happens to fall on coach's birthday. We should plan!" "What are you thinking?" Jayden asked as a darkness seeped in behind her eyes, enjoying the conversation. "The bigger the better." Stiles said, the same darkness lingering in his eyes, excitement and hunger in them.

A/N: How are you liking the story so far? Does everything make sense? If not, please let me know and I'll try to explain it more!

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