14 Chaos

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Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Allison, and Issac met the next day, Stiles still on his phone wondering if Jayden was going to meet them or not. "Jay going to meet us here?" Scott asked, noticing the girl not with him.

"I just got a text saying sorry had to dip. What ever that means." Stiles said and Allison looked at them worriedly. "Do you think she's okay?" "I'm sure she's fine. Her brother's a deputy. How much trouble could she get into?" Scott asked but no answered for no one truly knew the answer.


Jayden walked into the sheriffs department with Jordan, mainly because her threat made him uneasy of her actions and he wanted to keep an eye on her.

Jayden had an English paper due, and a history assignment as well, but when given an opportunity as large as a sheriff station, she had to take it. "I'm gonna do my work in the break room." She told her brother and he nodded. "Check ins every thirty minutes. If I don't hear from you, your grounded Jayden. You understand?" He asked. "Yes dad." She huffed rolling her eyes as she stomped back to the break room, laptop and backpack in hand.

Jordan sat at his desk, his hands wiping down his face in exhaustion. "Was that Jayden I just saw?" Sheriff Stilinski asked, his head nodding towards the back of the station, as he walked to his deputies desk. "Um, yes sir." "Huh, I figured she would be with Scott and Stiles." "I may be the reason she isn't sir. I think they would do good with some time apart." Jordan told him. "Are you saying my son is a bad influence deputy?" The Sheriff asked, his voice tight. Jordan swallowed thickly, a nervous sweat breaking out above his brow.

"No sir, just, I think she should have more than two friends. That's all." "She has more than two friends Jordan. Allison, Lydia, and Isaac for starters. They're all good kids. You have nothing to worry about." "Sir, no offense, but you haven't noticed the difference that I have. She's been moodier, more defiant, agitated, defensive, aggressive even." Jordan told him and this caught the attention of the Sheriff.

"Aggressive? How much? Does it happen frequently?" The sheriff asked and Jordan just looked at him. "What? I don't know, she just has been." "Jordan, come into my office." The sheriff told him and he did.

" I don't understand what's happening sir." Closing the door behind the deputy, Noah looked Jordan in the eye. "It's okay, I didn't either. Has her mood swings or anger levels fluctuated on any certain times on the month?"

Jordan looked at the man horrified, "Are you talking about her cycle, because sir I really don't think that's any of your-" " Jordan, I'm talking about the phases of the moon." "What?" Jordan asked, his eyes creased with worry not only for his sister, but now also for his boss. "The moon Jordan. The Full Moon. It's tonight. When was her worst outburst?" Noah asked. "Last night." "Oh." Noah sighed. "What's your theory sir?"

"Do you trust me Jordan?" "Of course." "I'm going to need Jayden to come over tonight, to watch her behavior. She's gonna have to see Stiles, and Scott, but she can leave if she wants. Truly." "Can I be there?" "No." "What? Why not! That's my sister!" Jordan rose his voice. "Deputy, the moment I figure out if it's what I think it is, you'll know." "And if not?" "We'll figure it out."


Jayden sat in the break room by herself, her hands typing on her computer. A smirk came to her face as she flicked her eyes up to the camera, seeing where it was pointed, directly at her. She looked over to the printer, which was situated on a table in a converted closet, out of the view of the camera.

Digging through her bag, she grabbed what she wanted, her pocket knife she took everywhere, she slid it into her pocket, and headed over to the printer.

It looked easy enough to use. A button there, and a button here. But what was the fun in that? 'Let's make it a little harder' the voice in her head sinisterly chuckled as she reached down unplugging the machine, before slicing the cord partially through, before plugging it back in. It's frayed, opened wires open for anyone to touch, lying on the burber carpet flooring, it was sure was catch someone's eye, eventually. A chilling smile made its way to her face as she went back to her computer, typing once again on her essay.


As she was finishing her essay, a deputy came in and turned on the printer, complaining "how the damn thing keeps shutting off, and how nothing in this god damn office works", when Jayden finished her conclusion for her essay.

Making final touches, she waited to see if the deputy would print anything or if she would get the honors, but as five minutes came and went, she became aggravated with the delay.

Finding the printer on her computer, she hit send, she listened to all the gears move, all the slides, the cartridges, the paper, and finally, what she waited for, the spark. She watched as the multiple zaps of electricity found it's way to the carpet fibers, lighting them aflame within seconds, and soon, a small whiff of smoke was smelt.

Jayden continued on, typing on her computer as if nothing was happening until she could ignore it no longer as the smell of burning wires and melting plastic was filling her nose and as soon as she turned her head, the fire alarms went off, the room quickly filling with smoke, alerting the entire police department.

"Jordan!" She screamed in fake terror as she hugged her laptop close to her, but she allowed the fire to get to a point where the only doorway in or out of the room from the main building was now comprised. "Jayden. Jayden!" Jordan yelled as soon as he realized what was happening, rushing from the Sheriffs office, and as close as he could to the doorway. He could feel the heat, smell the smoke, and hear the terror in his sisters voice.

"We need to get back there." One officer stated. "We need to get outta here." Another shouted over the crowd. "My sisters back there!" Jordan growled as he locked eyes with his sister.

"Jordan!" Jayden cried, tears cascading down her cheeks in almost elegant water works as the fake emotion seemed to come naturally to her, as she saw him but couldn't get to him. Her head swiveled, looking for a way out that wasn't a window, but she wasn't finding much.

"The back door. Jayden, there's a back door, down the hallway to the left. It goes outside. Go, now!" Jordan yelled through the flames as everyone was evacuated out of the building. "Jordan! We have to go!" The sheriff yelled over the screaming of the sirens. "I'm not going with out my sister!" "I'm going Jori, go!" Jayden yelled as she took off to the back door as she was instructed to do, but before she left the building, she looked back, a sinister smiled on her face, her usual blue eyes shinning a fiery orange.

A/N: What to you think of Jayden's Chaos so far? Is she just acting out or could there be another reason? Also there is a new Teen Wolf Story! It's called All I Want! Check it out!

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