10 Car Hunting

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Jayden pulled on a quick pair of light wash jeans and a Linkin Park hoodie after discarding her oversized shirt and shorts. "How long is it gonna be in the Jeep?" Jayden asked throwing her hair in a ponytail and Stiles was caught off guard by the question, forgetting she had a fear of vehicles for a second.

"Um, I'm not sure. Maybe thirty minutes or more." "Okay." She said doing some mental math before rushing back to her room. "Jayden?" "Do you think you could pick me up?" She asked. Stiles scoffed. "Of course, Yeah, maybe, why?" "I have some meds, they put me in a groggy state, and well, it's easier for me. It works pretty quickly though, so I need to know, if I take them now, I may not be able to get in the car by myself." Jayden explained.

"Okay. Yeah that shouldn't be a problem." Stiles said as she pushed the pill bottle in her pocket, and took the pill. A few minutes go by as she gathers things around the house, but just as they were ready to leave, her body relaxes. "Jay? Jayden?" Stiles asked. "Hi." She giggled. "Oh god." He said as he tried to help her out to the car, but then thought, stairs. "You didn't warn me about stairs! I didn't plan for an obstacle course." Stiles hissed to himself as he tried as safely as he could to guide her down the stairs as she mumbled and giggled to herself.

When they got to the Jeep, Jayden put her hands out, not wanting to go in. "I don't wanna." She whined. "Denny, we are gonna go see Scott remember, and go on an adventure!" Stiles told her and she smiled and nodded before frowning and looking very serious. "I died in a car." She told him. "You almost did." He reminded as he opened the door and helped her in, which was proving more difficult as it was like trying to put a toddler in clothes that they didn't pick out, limbs everywhere but where they were supposed to be.

"No, I did. I died." She said softly. "Well you won't die this time. I won't let you." Stiles told her, holding her hand after he had climbed in on his side and she smiled at him until the drowsiness took ahold and she was out.

Stiles looked at her in worry, but couldn't stare for too long, not knowing how long the meds would last. Did she really die, or was that the meds talking?


The ride to Scott's house was silent, afraid anything would wake her up, and she would freak. His thoughts stuck with him as he drove. Was what she said true? Were they the words of a medically drowsy person, or the words of a mind that didn't have their normal walls built around it?

The moment the Jeep was outside of the two story home, Scott came rushing out headed for the passenger seat. "Scott! Scott no!" Stiles warned. "What?" "Jay's in the passenger seat." "And?" "And she's passed out because of meds so she could ride in a car. Just get in the back." Stiles told him hopping out letting his seat fall forward, and the werewolf got in the back.

"Wow, she's really out." Scott said looking at Jayden asleep in the passenger seat, his finger going to poke her but Stiles slapped his hand away, giving his friend a scowl. "Yeah, her fear is real man. You didn't see her when you were freaking out that one day. The day she found out. Someone pulled out in front of her brother and she basically jumped out of her brother's car to get away. A moving car. I couldn't imagine." Stiles said sadly as Scott looked at the girl with sympathy. "Anyway, where is this crash at?" Stiles asked his friend and Scott showed him his phone, seeing it would take them at least thirty minutes, he hoped that Jayden's meds worked that long.


"It looks like it's close." Scott said as they both heard a groan. Jayden's eyes fluttered open for a second, and Stiles immediately pulled over on the side of the road as safely as he could. "We walk from here." Stiles told Scott, not giving his friend any other option.

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