Project - D-Day

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3rd person POV:

It's finally the day our main couple will perform on their school's stage. They were both nervous and excited at the same time. Excited because they're idols, it's their job. What did you expect? But nervous because their members were coming along with them.

Why were they nervous even though it was only their members? It's because of that exact same reason that they were nervous. When they(the members) finally find out who their partner is, they're going to bombard them with questions and tease them until they forget about it or until they've had enough of it. Though I doubt that they will never let it go.

Anyways lets see what's going on backstage, where our lovely couple was getting styled by their personal stylists. For today's performance, they went with a "lovers" concept. Y/N was wearing a white button up shirt and beige colored slacks that just barely reached his ankles, topped up with very shiny dress shoes.

Haerin, on the other hand, wore a long sleeved white shirt, accompanied by a sleeveless, beige colored dress ending just above her ankles, and black boots, fitting the "lovers" concept very well. I mean, with just their clothes, one would assume that they matched their outfit for a date.

But as they finished preparing, some of their schoolmates and classmates saw the two of them together. And to say that they were mesmerized by how good they looked with eachother was an understatement. If they were to go to prom, the moment they step in, they would instantly become prom king and queen. But to their point of view, it was just another day of being an idol.


People were walking back and forth. Scurrying around, trying to finish their preparations before it was their turn. Some people though, were chill. Sitting on benches, talking about how they will be performing. It seemed like a normal behind the scnenes for a school performance.

However, it didn't look like that for two people. I assume you already know who these two are. That's right, it's our favorite bunny and cat, Y/N and Haerin. These two were sluggishly rehearsing their dance while singing without using much energy. "Why are they like this?" You may ask. It's because they want to save up as much energy they can. It's actually quite obvious. But for their spectators...

"Wahhh. They're really good! They're so smooth!" "Yeah! They're also singing at the same time! They're so stable!" "I didn't even notice that. I guess that's the reason why they became idols." "Plus, they look really good together." "Ahh. I ship it!"

Haerin POV:

"Hey, Y/N. Do you hear what I am hearing?" "Oh, you mean them talking about how we look like a couple? If so, then yes. Yes, I hear it." "Will it be fine?" "If you mean if they're going to post ship videos about us, then it should be fine. We should only worry if it was dispatch."

"Yeah, I know. But still..." "It'll be fine. I can't promise that it's going to be like that forever, but it won't be a problem for a long time."

While Y/N was comforting me, he kept his grip on my hands. He squezzed it, but it didn't hurt. It was more of a firm affirmation that he will never leave my side. It was times like this that made me fall even deeper in love with him. And with my new found confidence, I smiled back at him and strengthened my grip.

This action happened to cause a scene. Ohh, this is going to be a headache, I already know. And it looks like Y/N knows it as well. Well, let's just see this whole thing through.


"Everyone! Are you ready fo the finale!?" "YEAH!" "All right! Everyone! Let's give a round of applause for our duo! Going with a "lovers" concept, they are singing and dancing to the song 'Can't Love You Anymore' by IU and Oh Hyuk. Let's give a warm welcome to... Y/N AND HAERIN!" "WOOOH" "LET'S GO!" "Y/N!? HAERIN!? YOU MEAN THE IDOLS!?" "WHAT!?"

3rd person POV:

As they went into position, people started cheering for them. They were excited, like, really excited. They couldn't help but smirk. But, they had to compose themselves, and treat this like an actual performance in an award show. And as they were about to start, they looked at each other and thought about one thing..."We're winning this. Together."

As they were singing, they couldn't help but feel ecstatic that they were finally performing. In the first verse, it was just Haerin with Y/N doing some adlibs. They were moving with absolute certainty and confidence, but were also careful enough to avoid problems.

Then, it was the chorus. To say that everyone was awestruck was an understatement. "Why?" You may ask. It's simply because of one move. The moment the chorus started, Haerin twirled into Y/N's arms, catching her in the process. And if that wasn't enough, Haerin went to touch Y/N's face and act like she was going in for a kiss. But in the end, stood up and went away.

Finally, it was Y/N's turn. All he did was act all lovey-dovey with her, looking like he was actually courting her. He even went to make her face him by caressing her chin. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE was screaming. Boys, girls, and teachers and staff. The whole congregation was a mess.

And then, the duet part. In this part, they outdid themselves. Acting like an actual couple. Almost kissing, holding hands, caressing each other's cheeks, and looking at each other in an intimate way.
And then it ended. As they were leaving, they could see multiple cameras. And now they know, they've done it. They doubt they won't be questioned after this event, and they doubted dispatch won't do anything about this. But they both knew that they won't move until a later date, so they let it be.

After Their Performance - Y/N POV:

(Haahhhh...that went smoother than I thought it would.) The performance went way better than we practiced. Maybe it's because we were performing with each other and had so much chemistry, or maybe it's because we feel comfortable performing in front of our friends, classmates, and schoolmates. Either way, all that we knew was that it ended in a spectacular fashion.

"Wahh...that was fun! I want to do it again. How about you, Haerin?"





"Honey?" "Ah! What?" "I was asking you something." "Oh, right! Yeah! I want to do it again."

"Hey, something on your mind?" "Oh it's... it's nothing." "Are you sure?" "....hahhh, alright. You know how the members are here, right?" "Yeah, what about it?" "I'm worried they'll tease us until we confess that we're dating." "Pfft...that... that's it?" "What? It's a serious problem!" "Isn't it fine if they find out? They're our members after all. They'll find out sooner than others."

"Speaking of our members, there they are. Sigh...this is gonna be a long day..."

Sheeeeeeeesh took way longer to write. I've been having art blocks and I still have a poster I have to make so I'm sorry that I haven't been able to upload on time. But hey. That's normal for students, right?

But yeah. Thanks for reading and as always, tips and criticisms are very much appreciated. Peace


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