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A/N: To avoid any confusion, there was a j-trouper in the earlier seasons called Lily and that's who's texting in this. Not the Lily from gen 2


Richelle: An I bossy? You guys would tell me if I'm bossy right

Shad: .....ofcourse you're not bossy

Gabi: Yeah, you just have very strong opinions

Josh: and aren't afraid to go after what you want

Andy: You're just so determined

Lily: It's actually inspiring

Alex: You make us work harder

Becca: If anything, I think you're the opposite

Tyler: Yeah, what Becca said


Noah: Well this is the biggest load of bullshit

Richelle: Oh thank god! Atleast SOMEBODY is honest

Gabi: Well that's because Noah can afford to be with you!

Shad: Yeah! If it was any of us saying that we'd be 6 feet under

Noah: Maybe I'm just too lovable :)

Shad: You say that as if you don't have severe confidence issues

Noah: It's the facade Shad

Camille: Whatever, why were you asking anyway Richelle?

Richelle: We had to do sone mentor thing with some of a-troupe a few weeks ago and I was with Emily. We were talking about what it takes to be dance-captain and I want to try and be a good one when it is time

Shad: Oh yeah, that was fun, though, West was a bit high energy even for ME

Becca: Giselle was really sweet

Josh: I had a great time with Janes too

Noah: Wait, you were with JAMES?!

Noah: My condolences

Richelle: Are you two ever gonna stop bickering? Not surprised Amanda didn't show for your performance if he had to deal with this

Noah: Oh, we stopped ages ago. He's actually one of my closest friends

Gabi: Not gonna even question how that happened

Becca: Where we're the rest of you guys that day anyway

Camille: Piano recital

Tyler: Stomach ache

Noah: Period, if any of you people get weirded out by that than fuck off

Richelle: PREACH

Andy: Was at the zoo with my family

Lily: Was getting ready for a date...did not go well

Alex: Sister was in a car crash, had to go to hospital

Gabi: EXCUSE ME?!?!?


Shad: IS SHE OKAY?!?!????!!!!

Alex: Oh yeah, only a broken leg, she'll live

Noah: It scares me how nonchalant you are about this

Lily: Shouldn't we be used to this tho? I mean, remember when she almost got kidnapped cause she thought they were a taxi? Didn't here about it until almost a month after it happened

Alex: I just don't see it as a big deal

Becca: You need therapy

Danielle: Don't we all really?

Becca: Touché

Noah: Iced coffee is all I need! Therapy is a trap meant to fool us!!!

Richelle: You're the oldest, be responsible for once Noah

Noah: Only responsibility I have is taking care of my cat, mental health comes second after that

Tyler: That alien ball of flesh is far from a cat

Shad: Noah....

Camille: He isn't responding

Richelle: Okay, he was close enough to killing James before they performed, I'm gonna go look for him cause high chance he's coming near Tyler with s baseball bat

Gabi: It you find him, please record it

Tyler: AH!!!! HE FOUND ME


Lily: Somebody is going to die today

Alex: Probably me, cause a tree branch just fell through my window

Gabi: Why am I not surprised?

Andy: Please check it for any bird nest, protect the animals


Richelle: I grow up, I've restrained him, he's fine now

Noah: Don't test me Tyler

Tyler: Yes yes, message WELL received

Noah: Good, cause my cat is adorable


Tyler: Sorry, I can't help it, THAT LOOKS LIKE THE SPAWN OF SATAN

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Tyler: Sorry, I can't help it, THAT LOOKS LIKE THE SPAWN OF SATAN


Richelle: Okay, well you guys have fun while I try to prevent Noah from sending Tyler to an early grave again

Becca: Is the cat meant to be ugly, I actually think it's cute

Gabi: It kind of is, in it's own way

Alex: Question, what do you do if a squirrel hops into your room and starts chewing on everything?

Andy: Sigh, I'll grab the net

Shad: I'm coming, just to see if it jumps on his face


A/N: As much as I've grown to love sone of the new characters, I really wish we got to see these guys grow up and have their own chaos in a-troupe

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