Dating Advice

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A/N: Disclaimer, at this point, all my texting stories only loosely follow canon, so keep that in mind for each one


Sloane's Army

Henry: What is the best way to ask out a girl that you really like

Kingston: Actually take a hint if she rejects you, that's for sure

Ozzy: You still salty on my crush on Richelle before you?

Kingston: More so tired of the migraine it gave all of us

Noah: Henry, half of this gc has no interest in women, you are really not looking in the right place

Kingston: Though I did use to think Heath liked Daisy

Heath: A mental image that has completely scarred me

Noah: Awe, come on Heath, who doesn't want to be in a relationship where your ship and could be Death #deathshipping

Henry: Omg, please date a guy that actually starts with D Heath, cause I need to have that in my life

Heath: Fuck the lot of you

Ozzy: It's what you get for choosing a name like Heathcliff

Heath: As if Oswald is any better?

Finn: It makes him sounds like a very old professor

Ozzy: I would NEVER be a teacher

Noah: We thank you for that, kids already hate school enough

Henry: Okay, back to my dilemma

Finn: Well, who is it you like anyway? Please tell me it's not again


Henry: Jeez! Ok ok, it isn't Amy, or Summer or Jacquie, before you ask

Ozzy: Ngl, anyone else forget he used to date Jacquie?

Noah: How could I? Especially when he thought I liked her


Noah: I'm holding this over you forever. First Richelle, then Amanda, then Jacquie. When will people understand that I'm gay as fuck?!

Heath: Wait, people thought you liked Richelle??! I've always thought of you as siblings

Noah: THANK YOU!!!!

Heath: This is the exact same issue with me and Daisy. When will people accept that guys and girls can just be friends???

Noah: Stupid heteronormative society


Kingston: Okay, who do you actually like though Henry???

Henry: It's a girl from my pottery class. We've been talking a lot since she started and I've really enjoyed getting to know her

Finn: Oh, you should try that thing in that film where the guy wrapped his arms around the girls to help her make her pot

Henry: How many romance films have you watched Finn???

Finn: Too many to count

Noah: And that's what us autistic people call a special interest

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