Snow...In March?!

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A/N: Okay, so I know I said that I wouldn't be updating this book anymore and instead doing my A-Z Texting Oneshots. But, I've missed the chaos and freedom of these oneshots, as my A-Z ones are more plot heavy. So, I'm going to continue making these ones! Idk how many oneshots this book will have, I'm just gonna see how it goes.

Plus, I've been editing and sorting out my other stories for awhile now, but none of them are finished, so I want to start updating this book again to at-least publish something and keep people entertained.

Final side note. I entirely wrote this one because it's been snowing where I live for the past week. Idk why either, ask the weather. It can't understand it's Spring!


The O(m)Gs!!! (why have we let Eldon keep this name as long as he has?)

Emily: Can somebody tell the weather that it's SPRING?! Why is it snowing?! I can't get to work!!!

Michelle: And you're complaining why? It's snow! There's so much we can do

Emily: You do realise we work together and neither of us can get there now, right?

Michelle: Eh, give the kids the day off, what's the worst that could happen?

Richelle: I can't believe I'm saying this of all people, but thank you! This whole Henry and Amy drama is unbearable!!!

Noah: At-least you're not close with either of them. I'm THIS close to hitting Henry with a bat if he rants to me about it again

Eldon: Why would you do that to the poor animal?!

Thalia: It's not that kind of bat-whatever! Please ignore my dumbass boyfriend

James: I do that on a daily basis

Eldon: Gasp! I thought you were my best-friend?!?!?

James: No, your mom just paid me when we were younger to hang out with you. And you know I'd do anything for money

Hunter: Anything, huh?

James: 20 dollars is 20 dollars

Emily: I'm nipping this in the bud before my ex gets any ideas

Emily: Also, fine, I guess Richelle and Noah can have the day off. You too Piper, since you're probably reading over your brother's shoulder

James: She's now looking around the room for a video-camera

West: Why are you people texting?! You should be outside!!!

West: *pic sent* I've already built a snowman. His name is Gerald

West: *vid sent* And Giselle has proceeded to pelt poor Gerald with snowballs!!! The monster!!!

Noah: Surprised Amanda didn't step in to defend her

Amanda: Who do you think told her to start throwing them in the first place?

Noah: Ofcourse...

Stephanie: Wish I had that weather here. LA has been BOILING for the past week!!!

Richelle: Noah and I have gone to get drinks since we're off.

Richelle: Why am I not surprised that this mentally ill idiot has ordered an iced coffee despite the cold?


James: At-least he admits he has a problem. Unlike somebody here

Riley: I will eat as much jellybeans as I please. Thank you very much

James: Why did she have to get her braces off

Richelle: And great, the barista is now flirting with Noah

Michelle: Maybe that's a good thing. Is she cute?

Emily: Excuse me?!

Michelle: Not for me babe!

Emily: Better now be

Richelle: Well, HE is objectively attractive. Why are you asking the ace person this question?

Richelle: *pic sent* Can't tell if Noah is happy or not about this development

Eldon: Probably not, since he's straight

Noah: Pah, I'm as straight as my spinal cord was last year

James: Did you really just come out to the rest of that with a pun about your injury

Michelle: I love it! Join us fellow bisexuals, if that is what you are?

Noah: It is

Amanda: Very proud of you for this moment Noah, truly. But uh...

Amanda: *vid sent* My girlfriend has turned against me and now both her and West are chasing me around the lawn!!!

James: Sounds like a you problem

Amanda: Riley, why are you dating this asshole?!

Riley: Idek at this point

James: Wow, love the support babe

Riley: You tried to turn me away from my jellybeans. I ain't on your side!

Richelle: *vid sent* Somebody save me! I cannot stay looking at theses two anymore

Noah: Yeah, cause this definitely wasn't a problem for me yesterday when I had to watch you and Elliot do the same thing for over an hour!!!

Riley: Since when did Richelle get so soft?

Richelle: I AM NOT SOFT!!!

Noah: Riley, for your warning, she has now stormed out of the cafe, a large snowball in hand, and said she is going to pay you a visit

Riley: Well, I'm fucked

Emily: Tell her if she even thinks of hitting me that I'll take her off the Regionals duet!

Amanda: *pic sent* Why did I agree to go out of the house?



Amanda: Nevermind, I'm good now, since Giselle is chasing him around and threatening to do worse

Michelle: The protective GF mode has activated

Emily: Can you do that too then? Cause Richelle has started assaulted our house with snowballs!!!


James: All in favour of heading over to Riles and Emily's house for a snowball fight?!

Giselle: BRING IT ON


James: Amanda, I particularly remember saying SNOWball fight, not ICEball!!!

Amanda: All is fair in war

Thalia: Isn't the saying: 'All is fair in love and war.'?

Amanda: I only love one thing and she was on my side, so...

West: Eldon, why exactly did we think it was a good idea to go after the guy that we spent all day throwing dodge balls at once, only for him to dodge them?

Eldon: Idek

Noah: That would imply you two know how to think. But thank you for the joy of terrorising you both

James: My body is gonna be covered in bruises by tomorrow. Can we all agree never to do this against Richelle and Noah again?

Emily: Those two have been a couple of gremlins since they were 13. I thought we agreed on this ages ago?

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