Michelle's Greatest Hits

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Peace Out TNS ✌️

Michelle: *vid sent* Okay, how many of you did it take to help a-troupe choreograph all this???

Riley: Practically all of us. We were lucky we had so many videos of you dancing

James: Tho, I was greatly opposed to having my sister do the 'Inside Out' part, seeing how that relationship went

West: Oh shit! Have we cursed her with Eldon's bad relationship luck?!!!

Eldon: Why did I help you all if you're just gonna treat me like this?

Giselle: You should be used to it by now

Amanda: Why were Noah, Cierra, Max and I asked to help tho? Love you Michelle, but we weren't exactly in any of those dances

Riley: Idk wether to tell you off for complaining, or be scared that you told someone other than Giselle that you love them

Amanda: Yeah, in hindsight, me having such trouble telling Noah that when we were dating should've been a sign

Noah: Please don't remind me of that time

Amanda: We were just two closeted and confused gays, nothing wrong with that, But yeah, I agree

Amanda: Speaking of being gay, how did Emily take it all?

Emily:...like a very mature adult

Michelle: She tore up almost all my costumes while screaming

Emily: You've only been gone for a day and you're already betraying me!

James: Awe, she actually has a heart. You do know I'm never gonna let you live this down, right?

Emily: And I'm not gonna let you live at all if you bring it up again


Michelle: You still owe me the money btw to pay to repair those all

Emily: What?! That was an emotional moment for me! I thought that was payment enough!

Michelle: Em, you destroyed over a thousand dollars of costumes there!!!

Hunter: Why tf are the costumes for these things always so expensive. We're only going to be wearing them once!

Riley: Unless you're James, who wore our 'Stutter' outfit to our first date

Michelle: That's where it went?! Miss Kate went on a rampage that day looking for it

James: Kind of want you to tell her it was me now to cause her even more distress

Amanda: Ooooh petty, I like your thinking, for once at-least

James: Can't you compliment me, like ever?!

Amanda: Your ego's already big enough, I'm not adding to that

Hunter: What's big now?

Emily: Don't you start!

Michelle: Did I pack my spray bottle?

Emily: Yeah, I left it in one of your boxes

Hunter: Uh oh


Riley: Is she...chasing him over text???

Giselle: This is pretty on par for this gc, Riley. You shouldn't question it

Amanda: Don't chase after your exes, Michelle, it will need you no-where!

Noah: Wow, thanks

Amanda: Do you want me to slap you?!

Noah: You won't and we both know it


James: How come you're nice to him and not me???

Amanda: Could say the same thing

Noah: Cause you both know my mental health is fucking horrible and don't want to test anything

James: That's true-oh shit!

West: What happened? Is Michelle chasing you now as-well?!

James: No, I just had to drag mister here off of the balcony

Noah: Let me go!

Riley: Why can't any of you just talk to each-other instead of texting???

James: Because instead of having a civil conversation, he's hissing at me

Amanda: Are we SURE he isn't a cat?!

Amanda: Also why TF were you on the balcony?!?!?

Noah: Like I said, mental health is shit

Cierra: Chuck him in my truck, I'm already taking Max to therapy

Noah: I don't-

James: I've already hid all your ice coffee tablets, so you can't use that excuse

Emily: At-least I'm not suffering alone now

Noah: I said I'd help you and Riley look around New York for an apartment out of the goodness of my heart. I invite you into my home for a few days to crash. I make you breakfast and all other meals and show you the best spots in the city.


James: Yes, so sorry. Forgive me for wanting to keep one of my best friends alive

Richelle: Can you all be gushy somewhere else. I saw enough of that from Michemily earlier

Emily: Mich-whatta? Also, btw, what was up with that 'gay' comment earlier, Amanda?


Project Michemily

West: Wait, are they STILL not together?! I thought Emily's whole fucking goodbye speech was a confession!!!!

Richelle: Allas

Noah: We cannot keep dealing with these two. I had to see them flirt enough as it is when I had to help them in their office as Dance Captain!!!!!

West: This is Gisanda all over again!!!!

Amanda: Ffs! We're together now, can you please fucking get over it?!

West: 3 years! Over 3 years I had to listen to Giselle whine and pine after you, but never confess her feelings! So, no, I will not just 'get over it'!!!!!!!!!!

James: West is getting too sassy here. We need to speed up this plan. I don't know how long he is going to last

West: James, caring for his friends' health despite having shit mental health of his own, since 2013

James: You did not need to-

James: Oh wait, Piper has something she wants to say

Amanda: We should really just add her to the gc at this point

James: *link sent* Seeing as Richelle and I are the only ones still going to the studio and will have to see Emily pine even more, I've taken actions into my own hands. This is a guide on how to write secret admirer letters before you work up the courage to actually confess. Somebody PLEASE send this on to Michelle! We can't take it anymore!!! - Piper

Giselle: Have I ever told you how much I love your sister James?!

James: Well, you did have a crush on one of my older ones for a few years, so-

Amanda: SHE WHAT NOW?!

West: Save the jealousy for later. We may finally be making some groundwork!!!

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