James and Hunter

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A/N: For realistic purposes, Hunter doesn't move back to Madison in this, cause they never explained why him not making a-troupe meant he couldn't live in Toronto anymore. Also, Jiley never got back together in season 2, and none of the boys like Eldon cause he's a piece of absolute shit


Hunter: So, this is it

James: Yeah, I can't believe it. We're not on a-troupe anymore

Hunter: It fucking sucks! Especially that I had to lose to Eldon of all people

James: You deserved it so much more than him man!!!

Hunter: Same with you with Riley! You out-danced her by a mile

Hunter: I really started to enjoy my time at the studio, can't imagine what it's been like for you

James: I've been going there since I was 6!!!!! Can't believe it's all over

Hunter: Can't you go back down to b-troupe?

James: I don't see the point, I wouldn't be accomplishing anything new. Plus, I could be spending more time with the band

Hunter: I guess so

James: How about you? Any plans now

Hunter: I'm not sure now, I think I'm in the same boat as you that I wouldn't accomplish much. I've already been to Nationals twice already and I don't think I could do much more than that

Hunter: Maybe I'll just focus on college now ig, graduation is coming soon

James: Good luck on those then, I know you'll do great

Hunter: Thanks man, it means a lot


James: I've been studying for too long and it's doing my head it, and yes, I actually have been studying for a few hours now. You want to head out somewhere

Hunter: Sounds good to me. I got a new skateboard that I haven't tried out yet anyway

James: A chance to see you fall on your face? Count me in

Hunter: Oh, fuck you

James: You wish you could

Hunter: I've seen that ass of yours, so I agree

James: Let's just get to the park


James: Can I talk to you about something?

Hunter: Sure man, what is it

James: Well, Shantel just quit the team

Hunter: Wait, really???

James: Yeah, and Miss.Kate offered me my spot back on a-troupe


James: So you're not mad?

Hunter: No...why would I be?

James: It's just, we both got kicked off together and I've been spending so much time with the band and don't even know if I have the time to come back, while you didn't even get an offer despite how talented and committed you are

Hunter: Okay, it does sting that Miss.Kate didn't think to call me, but that doesn't mean I'm not happy for you. You're an incredible dancer dude and I'll stand by whatever you choose

James: Thanks Hunter. It did hurt not making a-troupe together again but it has been nice having the time to hangout just one-on-one


James: HUNTER!!!

Hunter: James, tf?!?!? It's only 9.am and a SATURDAY!!! Why are you up?!?!?

James: Rehearsal dipshit, but forget that! There's a spot open on a-troupe now and Miss.Kate's gonna be holding auditions!!!

Hunter: WOW REALLY?!?!? WHY???

James: Chloe made it into this prestigious ballet touring company that's gonna be doing The Nutcracker, so fucking good on her! Don't think I've ever seen anyone kill ballet like she does




James: Can you believe Daniel actually thought he'd make a-troupe? 😭😂

James: So glad you wiped the floor with him

Hunter: If Eldon get's over his internalised homophobia, I could see those two pricks as a couple

James: They deserve each-other honestly

James: I was actually asked to help you learn sone of the routines if you want tomorrow btw???

Hunter: Sounds good to me. I need to catch up and it will be cool hanging out at the studio again

James: Gonna be a lot of partner work 😉

Hunter: Oh, you wanna use those hands on me James? 😏 Dirty



Hunter: James, can we please talk about this???

James: Shit! I'm so sorry dude, I..shouldn't have done that...

Hunter: What? Kiss me? Who said I had a problem with it?

James: You should

Hunter: And why is that???

James: Cause we're friends, you're one of my CLOSEST friends and I'll end up screwing it up!!! I'm not even sure of my own sexuality yet, I've been having so many confusing thoughts, especially this year on wether I'm bisexual or...I don't know. And I've dragged you into it all

Hunter: Okay dude, breath, please. I'm coming over, I don't think this is a talk we should be having over text



Hunter: Just, let me know if you need anything, please

James: I'll try if, and sorry, for leading you on really

Hunter: You didn't lead me on James. You're still figuring yourself out, and with all what happened with Riley last year, I can tell you're not in the best headspace for dating rn

James:...could you, maybe wait a bit before looking for other people tho? If that's not too much to ask, I want to try this, but not when I'm so fucked up

Hunter: Take as much time as you need, it will be worth the wait

James: I know that I'm confused about myself, but I at-least know that I wouldn't mind kissing you again for all of this

Hunter: Skatepark?

James: Skatepark it is then


Idk why, but I'm really in a James x Hunter mood rn, so I wanna write about them, hence this.

- Blue

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