Secret Admirer

67 3 7

A/N: Like always, jiley stayed broken up, Thalia has dumped Eldon, and James goes by they/he in this


Michelle: How exactly would you go about giving someone a secret admirer letter?

James: Are you forgetting the part where my last relationship crashed and burned?

James: I don't think I'm the best person to be asking about this

Michelle: Just help me!

James: Eh fine. I'm a bit out of my depth tho, considering any person I liked was pretty aware of it

Michelle: Say that to Noah

James: Fair enough, who is this for anyway? Or do I really need to ask?

Michelle: If you do, then you're even more of a fucking idiot than you seem

James: You expect me to help you after receiving this abuse?


Michelle: Okay, James was useless at helping, so I'm counting on you

West: Lay it on me

Michelle: What do you think I should write for a live letter to Emily


West: Totally not screaming rn

West: Hang on! I have something already planned in my notes

West: *photo sent*

Michelle: Idk whether to be scared at how long that is...or that you already had it made

West: We've all been rooting for you two for ages, especially me. Trust me, it will work. You already saw how well I helped Gisanda get together

Michelle: That is trye. Alright, love you bestie <3

West: Byeeeeeeee <3


Michelle: So my gift and letter went down well with Em, what's next?

Amanda: Food

Michelle: ....what?

Amanda: Give. Her. Food

Amanda: I may not be the best at romance when it doesn't come to my girlfriend, but I know that food works wonders

Amanda: If somebody gives me sushi, they can do what they want with me

Michelle: Did not need to know that last part, but Em does love sushi

Michelle: So thanks for that..ig

Amanda: No problem bitch


Michelle: Noah, you're good at literature and stuff like that, right?

Noah: I think my stacked bookshelf speaks for itself

Michelle: Alright, so are you any good at poems or riddles?

Noah: Hm..I don't exactly do them much, but I do have a few riddle books hanging around the place. Let me get them

Michelle: You're a lifesaver

Noah: Anything to stop watching you and Emily like after each-other. Saw enough of that already when I was dance-captain


Emily: Okay, this whole secret admirer thing is driving me nuts. Who could it be?

Stephanie: I'm sure there's a good amount of women that know you that would take a shot at you

Emily: While I appreciate the flattery, it is not what I need rn

Stephanie: Fancy making a list or something?

Emily: You think ME of all people hadn't done that already?!

Emily: Sorry, sorry, this is just stressing me out

Stephanie: I'm sure you'll find out soon. And hey, who knows, maybe you'll be pretty happy with the outcome

Emily: Hm, I're acting a bit odd tho, what's going on with you? You're acting a bit dry

Stephanie: Me? Nothing, nothing, just got back from a long day at work. You know how it is, just a bit groggy

Emily: Yeah, I get that. I'll leave you off to get some sleep then

Stephanie: Alright then girl, love ya, hope you figure this out soon xoxo


Richelle: Tell me WHY exactly I just walked in on Emily and Michelle making out in studio-1

Richelle: Don't get me wrong, I'm fucking trolled that they finally got their heads out of their own asses. But what have I missed out on

Noah: Oh, Michelle was coming back to Toronto for a bit to tell Emily how she feels, so she decided to do this while secret admirer thing, which we helped out on. And can see how that turned out


Richelle: ALOT of it, honestly a bit disgusting to look at. My asexual ass isn't liking this rn

Richelle: Why can't anyone in this place just rehearse for once?!

Noah: You know how dancers are Rich, can't keep their hands to themselves

Richelle: Well can you just use yours on Janes already so I don't have to listen to you whine about it anymore?




Amanda: Told you food would work

Giselle: It does whenever you bring it to me anyway

Emily: were ALL in on this

Stephanie: We've been shipping you two for ages, did you really think we wouldn't help if the opportunity arose???

Tiffany: Now no more lengthy paragraphs from you about how much you adore her

Stephanie: Eh no, I think that's only gonna get worse now honestly


Noah: So happy for you two. My fanfic tropes have finally come to life

James: Me services are always available

Noah: Bitch please, you didn't do SHIT

James: You wanna go?!?!?

West: (out sometime)


Noah: Oh yeah, Richelle also wishes for you two to not do THAT much PDA in the studio. I think you traumatised her

Michelle: Tell her I'm flipping her off because I will kiss my girlfriend as much as I want now that I have her

Noah: Richelle just texted me that Emily's blushing like mad at that

Emily: Tell my little sister to fuck off!

Noah: She wishes to inform you that she will not

Hunter: To think one day that both my exes would end up dating

Thalia: Proves that you really suck as a boyfriend

Hunter: You're the one that dating Eldon and are now single af too

West: Children children, this is a day of celebration, not fighting

Amanda: I'll open up a bottle of wine to the two of you

Giselle: You'd do it anyway if they didn't get together

Amanda: Shush, don't expose me

Thalia: Acting as if we weren't all fully aware of that anyway

Stephanie: Seems a lot of people are taking that text to heart (side-eyes michemily and gisanda before they got together, and now joah)

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