Season 3 A-Troupe

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West: Did you know that raccoons are actually incredibly clean creatures?!

Michelle: Considering how much you act like one and the fact your room is surprisingly tidy, that checks out

Stephanie: Yeah, your room not being a mess still shocks me

West: Who do I look like, James?

James: Hey!!!

Noah: Dude, I barely go in your room because of the smell. I'm glad you don't have a pet, cause you'd lose it in the amount of trash in there

Amanda: Without context, you all knowing what his room looks like...

Michelle: DO NOT GO THERE! I have TASTE!!!

James: You're dating Emily, what kind of taste is that???


Emily: TF did I do anyway?

Michelle: Oh hey, hun. How are you?

Max: Ew love. Get me away from this. It will give me allosexual coodies

Chloe: Aroace-gang unite!!!

Amanda: Can't relate, girls are just...OMFG!!!!!

Giselle: So good damn relatable babe!

Noah: Um...excuse me, BABE?!?!? FHEJSOWKHSJWOYQODJHD

West: Is Gisanda becoming canon?!?!?!?

Amanda: Gis-whata???

Stephanie: Just the ship name we have for you two. We needed one since the old name we created crashed and burned

Michelle: *side-eyes Jiley hard*

James: Again, not my fault for that

Noah: We know Jay, we know

West: Okay, what is with all the flirty nicknames today?! I can't handle it?!

Amanda: You're delulu. Nobody is being flirty here

Stephanie: *cough* bullshit *cough*

James: That was about as subtle as Noah when he blushes

Noah: EXCUSE ME?!?!?

Stephanie: Oh I'm sure you've seen that many times James

Max: Romance confuses me

Eldon: Agree

Michelle: Everything confuses you, dumbass!!!

Emily: My girlfriend everyone

Giselle: We know Emily

Emily: I love her

Giselle: We know Emily

West: I feel single

Michelle: Would you rather be single or get back with the prick known as Daniel?

West: Touché

Amanda: Well you, James and Noah are all single so....

( A/N: this is a subtle hint to me recently thinking about those three in a poly relationship, so maybe expect stories of that in the future)

James: Do not even go there! Like, they're both objectively hot, but...

Noah: And you people said I was bad at being subtle

James: Fuck you

Noah: You say that constantly, but never go anywhere with it. Stop being a wuss and meet me at my house already if you actually want to!!!!!

James: I.....


Stephanie: Are we actually going somewhere with this for once? Good on you Noah!!!

Chloe: This talk of sex is...interesting...

Max: ^^^^^^^

Eldon: Can we stop it please

Amanda: Little bitch is just mad that he's not getting any



Stephanie: Okay, pay up whoever disagreed that she was doing something with either Thalia or Giselle or both

Cierra: Sigh, fine

Cierra: Why is that the first time I've had to talk up since now???

Giselle: Are we gonna go back to you guys having a ship and for Mandie and I or...


Thalia: EX-girlfriend dumbass! And it was better than you ever did!!!!

Amanda: Told ya, bitch

Eldon: I'm leaving

Stephanie: Like any of us care

Emily: Why do we even keep him in this group chat?

Michelle: Cause it's fun bullying him

Emily: True sweetheart

West: My single ass can't handle this

Cierra: Join the rest of us

West: I need some candy

Giselle: Cone over, I have sone stored in my room

Amanda: And by that she means there's an entire closet filled of it there

Giselle: Had to make sone use of it after I left it

West: Love you for that!!!

Amanda: HANDS OFF!!!!

Michelle: Is that jealousy I smell??

Cierra: 🎶 jealousy, jealousy 🎶

Stephanie: 🎶 all you friends are so cool, you go out every night 🎶

Max: 🎶 in your daddy's nice car, yeah you're living the life 🎶

Michelle: Not that I'm not loving this Olivia Rodrigo singalong, cause I VERY much am. But is anyone else worried that Joah hasn't texted us in awhile???

Emily: I don't think we want to know

Amanda: Okay, seriously tho, what is with all the ship names?!?!?

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