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- After Season 3 -

Noah: Hey...

James: Oh hey man. What's up?

Noah: Um...I actually have something to tell you

James: Sure, what is it?

Noah: So, you know how I've been asking you for advice on kissing Abi, cause I thought I liked her?

James: What do you mean "thought"?

Noah: I mean that I just liked her as a friend and thought she was cool, but since I'm new to a-troupe and wanted to fit it with the rest of you, I tried to convince myself that I liked her, since all the rest of you boys have dated girls. But I've never had a crush before, and I've finally accepted that it's because.....

Noah: I'm actually gay


Noah: Yeah....I like boys...

James: That's great that you've figured yourself out man. I'm happy for you

Noah: Thanks, it means a lot. Sorry I didn't tell you before...I just didn't know how

Janes: You don't need to apologise. I remember how West came out to me too. It's scary to do so

Noah: Thanks for being so understanding. You're the best, you know that

James: I have been told a few times ;)

James: Seriously tho, you can talk to me about these things if you ever need to


- Season 4 -

Noah: I'm so sorry James. I can't believe Riley would do something like that

James: It's alright

Noah: No, it's not

Noah: Look, I know you like to bottle things up inside and try to put in a brave face, but you're hurting right now

Noah: And I want to be there for you like you have been for me

Noah: So, what are your favourite sweets? I'm grabbing a bunch for you

James: Hah, you don't have to do that

Noah: Yes I do. So give me a list, cause I'm bringing you a haul!!!


- Season 5 -


Noah: So?

James: How exactly did you realise that you like guys? If you don't mind me asking

Noah: It's no trouble

Noah: Like I said, I didn't fully understand until I was 16, but there was some signs since I was younger

Noah: I've always known that I was different. Any time I tried to make new friends, aside from Richelle, I just never clicked with them, especially the boys

Noah: Anytime they would talk about girls and stuff, I would never get the appeal. It was just something I couldn't understand

Noah: At family gatherings, my relatives would constantly ask me about girls or just make fun of me for not having a girlfriend yet. It became a family joke to them. At the time, it hurt, but I don't give a shit how they think anymore

Noah: Then, it got to when I was 15 and Shad was moving away. Obviously, a friend moving away is going to hurt a lot, but something about it was just so different. It was crushing me that he was going, no pun intended

Noah: For a while, like you've seen, I just chalked it off as regular friend feeling. But then, one day, everything just clicked. I realised how oblivious I had been, and after doing ALOT of research, I finally accepted it as a crush

Noah: Sorry for that long amount of texts. Hope it helped tho...for whatever reason you are asking

James: Okay, thanks, like so much for that, and I know you are a bit troubled when it comes to social cues, but even you can surely tell why I was asking? I don't mind you blatantly saying it

Noah: So, you think you might like guys?

James: Maybe...I, I don't know. It's just, there's this new guy at Lost And Found, and when he first got here, Mr.T asked me to show him around. We've ended up spending a lot of time together because of that, and I've started to think of him too similarly to how I've felt for girls

James: I don't know. It's all a bit confusing

Noah: Hey, figuring yourself out is a process, not just a box check, and not everyone makes it the whole way through. You don't have to know yourself immediately

James: Thanks Noe. I mean it. You're the best

Noah: Anytime Jay. But please stop calling me that!!!


Noah's Birthday


Noah: Aaaawwww, what a wonderful way to wake up

James: Get your glasses, I've already gotten into town with the drinks, and we are gonna get pissed after rehearsals today

Noah: You say that as if we haven't been drinking since Internationals

James: Yes, but now it's "legal", so nobody can tell us off

Noah: Fair enough. I shall see you then kind sir. Gonna need it after the headache these idiots are gonna cause me anyway

James: You wanna kiss to make it better? ;)))


Noah: You know, I did not think you were gonna take that last text seriously

James: That is not normally the first thing that somebody texts their friend after hooking you with them

Noah: You know I just blurt out whatever I'm thinking. My filter is nonexistent

James: Yeah, I kind of got that from the amount you were yelling last night ;)

Noah: Fuck you

James: Again already? Oh someone's getting feisty

Noah: You're in town for the week, might as-well make the most of it ;)

James: My hotel room is still there

Noah: I've no plans tonight after rehearsals

James: See you there baby ;)

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